A very interesting fuel run comparison :
(of course with the proviso - unknown engine modes, fuel loads)
- the difference in castle section doesn't look normal, probably LEC slowed down by traffic.
- the interesting thing is the 'trend' before and 'trend' after the castle section : steady time gain by Ferrari ; which is pointing to either much heavier fuel or much lower engine mode for Redbull. Because the time 'made up' by Ferrari over this before/after is 2.1 to 2.2s.
If we remove the castle section altogether from the laptime, we are looking at 10/12 x 1:49 ~= 1:31 laptime. In which case, a delta of 2.2s means 2.4% of laptime difference. While this % delta could be easily governed with fuel loads, what does that mean, in terms of 'turning down' engines ? Is this "2.4% more laptime" a realistic way how teams play with engine modes ? I have no reference, hence asking.