FP3 speed traps and sector times:
Speed traps:
Sector times:
With all that low grip and big track evolution, everything on this session seems to be down to get all the pieces in place in order to get a qualy lap.
Macca drivers get their car setup somewhere in the middle ground, presumably thinking on the long game 1-stop strategy for tomorrow
Ferrari went on the same route as RB did on Friday, sticking on a higher DF set up in order to protect better the right front tyre, hence thinking of a 2-stop race on Sunday due to many SC/VSC phases here ...
Merc drivers were also continuing the route they did on Friday, with RUS opting for a higher DF setup and HAM for the lower one, with the only caveat that RUS's fastest time was due to benefit from a monster tow given by SAI, which we could easily see that also setting the fastest S3 time around ...