FW17 wrote: ↑27 Jan 2025, 02:53
WardenOfTheNorth wrote: ↑26 Jan 2025, 23:36
FW17 wrote: ↑25 Jan 2025, 06:04
Why should it be beeped if it is socially acceptable?
What is socially acceptable to some people is offensive to others. Particularly for a sport that wants to appeal to all ages (see the licencing deal with Lego). In many places swearing is not acceptable and as another poster pointed out, can even land a broadcaster in trouble with the regulators.
Personally I don't understand why F1 drivers should not be held to the same standards as other public figures and professionals. A teacher or lawyer would get in trouble for swearing in a classroom or courtroom. F1 drivers are paid a lot more and so should be able to act professionally.
Now, in car radio is a whole different matter. FOM chooses what to broadcast and I don't think anyone can blame drivers for reacting in the heat of the moment. I mean who amongst us hasn't uttered the odd expletive when another road user nearly hits us and cuts us up etc lol
Heat of the moment flaming is exactly what the entire population is being told not to do when behind the wheel of a motor vehicle.
I think it's OK to curse behind the wheel of your car, as long as that is all it is and not rage driving.
In the broadcasts of the team chatter, it feels to me like it is the FIAs responsibility not to broadcast poor language, they have full control over whether something is broadcast, bleeped etc If they don't like colourful language in these radio chats, then don't broadcast them, leave the drivers in their space, it's intense and you need to recognise that.
In the interviews it is a different matter, I feel. As soon as you are out of the car I can't see any reason why you don't have a responsibility to keep it family friendly. I don't care what drivers think of whether kids should hear swearing, I don't want my TV peppered with colourful language whilst my 3 year old is in the room. I don't particularly want them exposed to swearing until they are old enough to understand the rules around the words.