Here is JV talking what they are hoping to addres on FW47:
and JV here said that there are some fantastiv developments comming in 2025 and beyond:
First fireup
WATCH: FW47 fires up for the first time
Watching the first fireup again, I think I found something interesting. The rollhoop looks the same or veary similar to the one on upgraded FW46, the middle is for the engine, and the sides for cooling.

BUT, there is no big radiator at the back, like on FW46, so they moved the radiator. It is probably lower down and horizontal (similar to Mercedes I think), you can see the lines feeding coolant to the radiator bottom right. This would lower COG and make the airbox smaller, making rear wing more effivient.

FW46 for comparison:
This is all the info of FW47 that I was able to get, if anybody has something extra, please share in this thread.