asdf10101 wrote:if i change to windows 7 with a larger RAM capacity (window xp 3.6 gb).. will i still face this problem?
I'm guessing that you are currently using Windows XP 32-bit, right?
I believe that the default maximum process size supported by 32-bit applications under Windows is 2GB. If you want to run a larger case then consider 64-bit Windows (XP, Vista, or 7) with the 64-bit version of the solver software. For more see: ... 85%29.aspx
If you are struggling to fit the mesh within your current machine, you are unlikely to be able to run the flow solver - it will need even more memory.
If you are relying on swap space to cover your process memory footprint that exceeds your RAM limit then you are likely to see extremely slow turnaround times - of the order of 10 times slower than using RAM alone.
I'd suggest that you try changing some of the default meshing parameters to produce a smaller element count - I'm not familiar with the meshing in CCM+, so I can't help you with how to do this. My approach would be to produce as small an element count as possible while still resolving the geometry and try running it in the solver to get a baseline for the case. Then increase the mesh resolution in areas of interest (e.g., wing leading edges, diffuser) and compare your new results with your baseline to ensure your extra resolution is improving your result. Continue increasing your mesh resolution until either the results don't change (unlikely) or you hit your maximum RAM limit.
Hope this helps.