Well for one thing the cars are more easier to drive. Schumacher one most of his titles with traction control. Plus the cars are uglier than ever and the engineering of the sport is not like it used to be.Mysticf1 wrote:What makes it no longer the pinnacle? Restrictive rules have existed in F1 through out its history. Sometimes the abstract of the past glorifies what was essentially a fairly similar situation to what we have now.
Thats not true the engineers back then came up with some wild radical designs that was way before there time. Thats right MS car was great if only ruebens was aloud to race him he would have not won so many championships. With all the rule changes the engineering and technology is low because of spending cuts.Mysticf1 wrote:They are possibly easier to drive because the engineers have gotten better at their job, MS won his titles because he along with Ferrari did the best job of building a car and team...The engineering is far more complex now than it ever was.
If you want F1 to be like the old days you need all the current engineers to forget what they know, and that includes the tyre supplier.
Germanengineering wrote:F1 is no longer the pinnacle of motorsports.
Germanengineering wrote:I still don't agree with the paddle shifting..
Germanengineering wrote: Well for one thing the cars are more easier to drive.
...the engineering of the sport is not like it used to be.
Wait, so u want stick-shift back..Germanengineering wrote:With all the rule changes the engineering and technology is low because of spending cuts.
Totally agree, although I'd also like to go back to cars that were visibly more difficult to drive, but I guess that's unlikely to happen.Jersey Tom wrote:Watching it could be more exciting, for sure.
Wish they'd have better onboards.
That's what I wanna see... more from the driver's perspective.
F1 may be "easier" but it sure as hell isn't easy. They only reason it seems easy, is because you've got the best drivers and also their fitness is at such a high level it allows them to race.Germanengineering wrote:Well for one thing the cars are more easier to drive. Schumacher one most of his titles with traction control. Plus the cars are uglier than ever and the engineering of the sport is not like it used to be.Mysticf1 wrote:What makes it no longer the pinnacle? Restrictive rules have existed in F1 through out its history. Sometimes the abstract of the past glorifies what was essentially a fairly similar situation to what we have now.