Australian GP 2010 - Melbourne

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Australian GP 2010 - Melbourne


Please F1 Gods let it be way more entertaining than Bahrain! [-o<
"In downforce we trust"

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Australian GP 2010


Jeepers I hope Melbourne is less sleep inducing than that trundle in the Desert. For me the easiest thing to do would be to bring Soft and Supersoft to the race, or just call the Soft 'Medium'! Last year I thought the fact that the supers wore so quickly actually made the race interesting. Hopefully the same will be true.

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Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


I'd really like to see Bridgestone take some action at the Melbourne GP and take a step down on Tyre softness.

If the Tyres where much softer (eg the option was the prime and the Option softer again) then that would force drivers to 2 stop and remove 1 stopping and make 2/3rd of the race better.

Not sure if they could make this change before Melb tho?
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Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


djos wrote:Please F1 Gods let it be way more entertaining than Bahrain! [-o<
Well, Button and Whitmarsh said that the tires were more durable than they thought, so maybe this time the drivers will be a bit more aggressive than in Bahrain.

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Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


some1 put KERS in the car plz..or just get piquet back so we can see some crashes

Joined: 14 Apr 2009, 14:51

Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


This could be another letdown. Bridgestone is bringing the soft and hard compounds, in other words, harder tyres than last season. The degrading of the supersoft tyres was what made last year's race exciting!

F1 urgently needs softer compounds, not harder, so that drivers have to stop more than once! With Bridgestone bringing the most durable compounds they can, we are set for a whole season of processions.


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Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


jonathan189 wrote:
F1 urgently needs softer compounds, not harder, so that drivers have to stop more than once! With Bridgestone bringing the most durable compounds they can, we are set for a whole season of processions.

that's exactly my thoughts, I reckon the softer tires would be racier to!
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Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


You know what, forcing teams to pit twice during a GP isn't sounding all that bad at the moment. Feels like the perfect knee-jerk reaction needed.
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Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


No more forced pitstops or any other clown adventures. [-X

We have have good racing though the 1980 and 1990 without any forced mombo jumbo.
Get rid of the stupid tyre rules, let teams run with what they want, when they want, and it will be much much better.
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Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


mike wrote:some1 put KERS in the car plz..or just get piquet back so we can see some crashes
Yeah, scrapping of KERS and allowing the dubious diffusers a whole new season was always going to be crap.

Saying that, maybe everyone can come out abit more aggressive for the next race. Maybe not Ferrari/Red Bull but certainly McLaren and Merc need to stop their conservative antics and just go for it, it's useless for these calibre teams to finish outside out first place anyway.

djos wrote: I'd really like to see Bridgestone take some action at the Melbourne GP and take a step down on Tyre softness.

If the Tyres where much softer (eg the option was the prime and the Option softer again) then that would force drivers to 2 stop and remove 1 stopping and make 2/3rd of the race better.

Not sure if they could make this change before Melb tho?
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Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


I agree that Bahrain was a dull race, but we should consider that everyone was in new waters, nobody knew how the tires will behave with the heavy cars, etc. So, everyone took a very conservative approach. As the season progresses the teams will understand the tires behavior better and I really hope they will start being more aggressive, taking more risks ect. (especially the cars behind the top 4). So, I would wait for couple of more races and see how the things will go

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Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


Considering the cars havge greater downforce than last year, and thinner fronts, I can't blame Bridgestone for going a little conservative.
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Joined: 15 Mar 2010, 20:33

Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


totally agree with woohoo, scrap the stupid prime/option rule and just let people race. and please Bridgestone choose softer tires. Super-soft and soft. Would love to see people getting the most out of the tires rather than just cruising around saving them.

Joined: 03 Apr 2007, 13:49

Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


I certainly hope it will be more entertaining. These newer circuits that we've had just haven't introduced any variances, and the problem is we're getting fewer variables from the tyres than anyone expected. I do agree we need softer compounds that can wear out faster and where there is some guesswork and cat and mouse.

I though the one tyre through the whole race thing was interesting that way in 2005, especially when we had Raikkonen flat-spotting his and Alonso hunting him down, but we didn't see it again beyond that year.

Perhaps we should have known what was coming this year considering 2005, when we saw tyres lasting for a race distance........ :?

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Re: Australian GP 2010 (Melbourne)


Hello to all F1 fans world wide and to all forum posters this is my first post. Usually the Melbourne GP is exciting and unpredictable with several safety car periods. I look forward to much closer racing after a very boring first race.