Meh, I like to see people and not robots. As long as they don't endanger anyone else, some theatrics are all in good taste imo. Hakinnen crying made me like him even more for example.[/quote]komninosm wrote:
It's not a big deal, just something of note that happened in the race and I commented on it.
To me it's a lesson for him. He will see himself on a replay, and I am sure Frank doesn't want his drivers freaking out in public, either of them.
Breaking a toe in a rage makes you feel kind silly I would think.
I agree with you, komninosm, on this one.
I like seeing the driver have passion, IMO I liked that Hulk did that.
Its not childish at all - We all get angry, just deal with it differently.
You could say that passion has a fine line, now im not syaing what Alonso was doing on the radio was OTT but it could be classed as OTT but it is pure passion.
For another example of how other drivers deal with anger/passion - Hamilton in Spain (Catalunya) obviously disappointed that the tyre failed but he looked so dejected. He could have quite easily got out and start belting the tyre with his foot, but it was how he reacted. And that was how Hulk reacted.
We are all different and thats what makes a discussion - but we are all different in alot of ways, venting anger whilst showing passion is one.
And by the way with Mika - That was funny but its one of the reasons i liked him, frustration is a funny thing. You dont know quite how it will come out until it happens!