Hi, I stumbled across this website and found it really relevant. I'm currently studying Physics, Maths and electronics at college and have been browsing at a University courses around the UK in Aerodynamics. I have always been highly interested in aerodynamics and I noticed when looking at Southampton University's course on the internet that almost all students get sponsored through University .
I also noticed that some of the companies who sponsor students on the course are F1 teams! I love F1, and have been watching it for as long as I can remember, but what i love most about it is the innovation and design, and how it's not just won on the track, because it's a real team sport, where innovation, and being a little cheeky is rewarding.
OK, introduction over, As on and off (when I've got the time) project, I would like to design an F1 chassis based on the current rules. However I have limited CAD experience and no software. As it is going to be an in spare time project, I would like the software invovled to be Freeware/Very cheap. I'm prepared to learn the software, and through designing the chassis, learn all about aerodynamics, which in turn will help me get on to a university course, get sponsored, and hopefully work as an aerodynamicist for an F1 team.
Any Ideas on software i could use to get started?
Much Appreciated, Tozza Mazza.