Hello!(First Post) - F1 Chassis/Aerodynamics Design CAD Help

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Tozza Mazza
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Hello!(First Post) - F1 Chassis/Aerodynamics Design CAD Help


Hi, I stumbled across this website and found it really relevant. I'm currently studying Physics, Maths and electronics at college and have been browsing at a University courses around the UK in Aerodynamics. I have always been highly interested in aerodynamics and I noticed when looking at Southampton University's course on the internet that almost all students get sponsored through University :D .
I also noticed that some of the companies who sponsor students on the course are F1 teams! I love F1, and have been watching it for as long as I can remember, but what i love most about it is the innovation and design, and how it's not just won on the track, because it's a real team sport, where innovation, and being a little cheeky is rewarding.
OK, introduction over, As on and off (when I've got the time) project, I would like to design an F1 chassis based on the current rules. However I have limited CAD experience and no software. As it is going to be an in spare time project, I would like the software invovled to be Freeware/Very cheap. I'm prepared to learn the software, and through designing the chassis, learn all about aerodynamics, which in turn will help me get on to a university course, get sponsored, and hopefully work as an aerodynamicist for an F1 team.
Any Ideas on software i could use to get started?
Much Appreciated, Tozza Mazza.

Joined: 08 Dec 2010, 12:41

Re: Hello!(First Post) - F1 Chassis/Aerodynamics Design CAD


Hi welcome to the forum.

google rhino cad, an look for the rhino3d.com page, below are some examples of what can be done with that programme, you can download it for free with a limited number of saves to try it out first.


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Tozza Mazza
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Re: Hello!(First Post) - F1 Chassis/Aerodynamics Design CAD


Looks like a good program no doubt, but the evaluation is only 25 saves, which i don't think will be enough, and then the program itself is 195 Euros, which is money i just don't have. My part time job doesn't pay well at all :lol:

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Re: Hello!(First Post) - F1 Chassis/Aerodynamics Design CAD


Google sketchup is totally free, but it's probably too simple to simulate arodynamics. You can make a full detail colored 3-d model of a car, (or entire city if you have the memory space) but I don't know if you can get an add on for aerodynamics. Here's a shortcut. It's totally free and lots of fun to tinker with.
http://sketchup.google.com/download/#ut ... 20SketchUp

Have fun. :D
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Tozza Mazza
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Re: Hello!(First Post) - F1 Chassis/Aerodynamics Design CAD


OK cool cheers, are the files saveable as CAD? If so i could probably ask it to be sent around/converted and by the looks of things get someone to run some CFD on the forums, I'm a long way off, this is gonna be a big project and is only a little hobby I'm taking on, designing on paper and then recreating on the computer.

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Re: Hello!(First Post) - F1 Chassis/Aerodynamics Design CAD


I haven't tinkered much with goole sketchup, not enough to know really anything beyond push/pull. It's a simple program, about 20 minutes to download, and it's very popular amoung ametuers (my guess) for it's simplicity and ease of use. I'd assume it can save files in different formats, but I really don't know. Worth a shot, if you ask me. I really don't know of any other CAD program except Autodesk Inventor, which is crazy expensive. The site has some sort of 30 day free trial;http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/oc ... 02=171008&

Try that. Autodesk is like the Lamborgini of CAD. Very big program, too many options, really can make anything in a hurry. Really cool, too.
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Tozza Mazza
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Re: Hello!(First Post) - F1 Chassis/Aerodynamics Design CAD


Ha, I've actually started in google sketchup, seems powerful enough, is fun and you can make any shapes to scale, which is handy when you're following regulations. It's also easy enough to use, and I am pleased with the results I am getting, thanks for the tip :)

Joined: 16 Jan 2011, 02:46

Re: Hello!(First Post) - F1 Chassis/Aerodynamics Design CAD


im using Pro Engineer 5 in my course.

im not sure if you can get a student license for free but can try, and they have a fundamental course online which u can access by jus creating an account.

good luck with your project!