Well, we were right weren't we? They're about where they were last season, if not worse, except that other teams have clearly moved ahead of them. Expect to feel your stomach fall out from underneath you as you see that car go through anything remotely resembling a fast corner.
Melbourne is a circuit that has a tendency to throw up unusual results in the past, but if anything, you'd expect a car's performance at other places to be masked there. There are no real high speed corners to speak of and if you're deficient you can expect to be further behind elsewhere.
To be honest though, as I'd predicted, we'll be getting predictions of how well Merc will do when they get to Europe and then we'll be getting the 'concentrating on next year' stuff again in short order.
Bob Bell has a nightmare on his hands there. The stuff he's going to recommend probably won't go down too well with Mercedes because it's going to cost money, and lots of it.