I think that RB is very creative in applying FIA's test-method and the contruction of the FW test-adaptors. The FW-adaptors are to be provided by the team and have to match the specific place on the FW as indicated by the test. This means that the full 100kg will be applied on the face of the FW (bottom part/lowest element) and probably not on the higher elements.
Therefore, this could potentially block a "sliding" of different layers/elements within the contruction of the FW, that doesn't get loaded when the wing is subjected to aero-pressure which distributes the load more evenly rather then point-pressure. This could prefent the FIA from detecting what's going on with the FW when it's loaded under normal load rather then point-load even though when on the track, it's clear for all to see.
Rather then using adapters, they should attach suction (ie vacuum and pull downwards with the correct and measure the deflection. The vacuum-holder should have a surface long and wide enough to assure it doesn't break the layup between the different layers of carbon/epoxy, but it will make the test equal for all, irrespective of shape of the wing. Eliminating any possible contruction influence in the shape of the adapter and smart construction of the FW to be activated/deactivated when the adapter is attached.
Obviously, this is just an idea based on how smart RB has been on working "around" the tests and testing-methods rather then sticking to them
I think this is an achievable way of faulsifying the test-results if you would construct a flexi-wing with seperate layers that would be able to move relative to each other.