sriraj1031 wrote:kalinka wrote:That Force India solution looks ugly. Even McLaren's first attempt at Asutralia was better.
Can you please elaborate whats so ugly about it and please post comparison pics between the two to call it ugly
Maybe it's a bit harsh word to call it ugly. Comparison pics were exactly above my post, so I don't want to re-post them. When I called it ugly I meant for those exposed-to-air mounting points alongside the long exhaust pipe. There are two visible screws that secures the exhaust to the floor. Also it seems like the pipe is running a bit over the floor, and not integrated into it, while at McL the mounting points are hidden/at least not in the way of the air. Unless it's their (Force India) intention to do that way, I would call it at least an ineffective solution, but for me it's a bit ugly too. Sorry, no offense.