wesley123 wrote:Can someone explain me why last year it was an rumor that he would return with the same team, Raikkonen described it as an joke and I believe he even said he didnt want to do bussiness with them anymore after this weak rumor, why would he now sign for them? It is just an stupid decision, Williams might be further back but are looking decent for the future, a lot of people have doubts that LRGP even lasts a year.
Is Williams looking decent for the future? Really? Last news I read, they might loose their sponsorship from Venezuela(PDVSA) Sam Michael left and Patrick Head is leaving.
Wait, they also failed to sign a F1 WDC by the name of Kimi Raikkonen! 
Mike Couglan, Jason Somerville and Mark Gillan are new recruits, let's at least wait for the FW34(benchmark) before we make any predictions about how they'll do in the long run.
Have you read anything about Geni Capital lately? Snoras Bank has been involved in money laundering(Vladimir Antonov), they might loose some money from that investment, but otherwise they don't seem to be running out of money(despite what rumours you might have heard). On the contrary, it seems that Gerard Lopez has no need of LRGP making him any money at all, just helping him by working as a global business plattform. I posted(first page on the R32 thread) an artcicle earlier this year, read it if you can find it...
In my point of view, LRGP is looking much better than Williams if you compare car performance(potential for next car) or anything else... this year LRGP still retained their fifth position in the WCC dispite making a critical design error and let's not mention the quality of the teams drivers.