Crucial_Xtreme wrote:
I'm with you Crabbia. I think they are about as low in relation to the reference plane as possible. I think the problem with the Acer Ducts is that they need to be moved backwards some. I think they are too close to the rear tyre.
i was thinking the same thing about moving them back too. seeing the pictures of the exhaust a few pages back i think it would be possible to shift it back in terms of packaging. it might make it less sensitive to on throttle/ off throttle responses too but again it might make it not worth the trouble in terms of performance and the trade off with mass centralisation.
i think the main problem with these acer ducts is that the whole concept of the sidepods is built around them. the slight U shape to the side pods creating a channel of flow to these ducts, the exhaust creating a low pressure on the exit of the acer outlets to "pull" hot air out of the heat exchanger cowling, the subsequent flow to the beam wing, the old school upright heat exchangers.
i think it all works together and that why they only tried small "hack job" changes and not outright changing of these ducts. Because doing so would necessitate a complete change in concept.
it will be interesting to see if they tweak it and just pull it back as you say, or scrap it all together and go for a suaberescque exhaust and somehow make the internals work.
i'm on team tweak it. for now. my position might change on Sunday night.
A wise man once told me you cant polish a turd...