Nando wrote:
raymondu999 wrote:
if you were just talking of defending track position that may have merits in certain situations. But when you're looking at getting a good laptime on a hot lap - No.
I´m talking about pure hotlapping. Time is gained out of corners, all the way to the next braking zone.
Not into corners. As far as the absolute most important aspect of going fast around a lap.
Clearly you need both...
And oversteer is a must have in entry in to a corner. Thats ABC of racing.
Regarding understeer... of course if you brake too late understeer is unavoidable. But we're talking about understeer when the car is suppose to be neutral balanced or even oversteery and the car just doesnt turn in.
In my view Ferrari has unfortunately both. Though understeer isnt that obvious, oversteer on the other hand is... a lot! And as i said before they lack mechanical grip out of slow corners.
And on regard on the which is more important corner speed or out speed... in slow cars (karts, WTCC, etc.) clearly corner speed is more important because you just cant accelerate that fast out of the corner, in F1 (etc.) getting the car on full throttle is just a little more important, since you can put the power down sooner. Which still doesnt mean you dont need the other, not at all!