marcush. ohlins we had a special damper piston arrangement for ultra smooth tracks -called high frequency piston -which basically was a little slack of the connection between piston and piston rod allowing for small quick oscillation -bringing up the tyre temps quite a bit...this worked well for the amateurs I usually had to look after .
I have often wondered about the logic of the HFP piston...
To my knowledge, the effect was identified (probably not for the first time) by John Miles when he was developing the Esprit to go racing in the USA - perhaps 20+ years ago. The free play, introduced by accident in otherwise closed front dampers, "transformed" the vehicle, preventing the tyres "stalling" (John's words), but also lost control of the hub modes. He then introduced controlled bleed (velocity dependent), which cured the "stalling" problem without losing control over the hub modes.
The HFP piston has the same effect as John's free play accident. What works at <2Hz. doesn't look so good at 17 Hz. The loss in hub control is very apparent on a rig.
It is quite probable that the uncontrolled hub modes would work the tyres harder, but the loss of CPL control would ultimately cause the vehicle to be behave inconsistently (at best).