Ferrari F2012

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Re: Ferrari F2012


Chuckjr wrote:
Ozan wrote:Ferrari needs to update front wing and sidepods. the air can not reach the coke bottle area without interruption.
If you look at Lewis' car there is a crease in the middle of the side pod that the Ferrari does not have.

Is that due to Ferrari using the upright cooling?

And is that why the Macca has better flow to the lower exhaust area in the rear?

But at the same time Ferrari is more cutout just at the front of the sidepod next to the actual intake.

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Re: Ferrari F2012


With all this talk of Ferrari's sidepod design that chokes the coke bottle area over the diffusor, I'm surprised teams haven't looked at Torro Rosso's double floor styled sidepod design; is it because it's CoG too high?

Joined: 20 Oct 2012, 01:44

Re: Ferrari F2012


Hi guys im from spain but i lives in switzerland. Im reading this forum 4a while and its one of the best i read with no "trolling" posts and very impressiv technical know how!love it..

So, i was reading autosprint and ferrari has tested yesterday in spain new components(rigon was testing the f2012)
-r and f wing
-new chassis
-new break aerodynamic parts

At least the newest parts are shipped to india at last moment, because the other parts are not ready before. ... st+segreto

Sorry 4 my english, but if you need a translation from a f1 page in spanish,italien or german i can help you :)

Greets and forza ferrari & alonso =D>

C Plinius Secundus
C Plinius Secundus
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Re: Ferrari F2012


ecapox wrote:Went looking for Autosprint article on the web but only in print i guess. Miss being in Italy and having all the cool car/racing magazines.
You asked for it, you got it:

"Quali novità vedremo in India sulla Ferrari? Si tratta di parti aerodinamiche e relativi terminali degli scarichi per cercare di ottenere più deportanza, per permettere alle gomme di raggiungere più celermente le ottimali temerature di utilizzo.
Dovremmo vedere nuove prese d'aria per i freni anteriori, scacichi più ravvicinati al profilo dell'estrattore posteriore, una ala posteriore di nuovo disegno, nuove appendici aerodinamiche all'ingresso dei pontoni laterali, nuovi profili aerodinamici sotto il musetto, prima dell parte rialzata della scocca.
Tutte queste parti, il cui studio è iniziato dopo Monza, sono State provate alla galleria del vento della Toyota a Colonia, essendo quella di Maranello inagibile. Se sarà possibile, prima di spedire il materiale in India, si cercherà di sostenere un test in rettilinio a Vairano, ma i tempi davvero stringono perché c'é il rischio reale che queste parti, inviate al di fouri dei normali carnet doganale dei team, possano rimanere ferme alla dogana indiana e non essere utilizate per la gara."

"Which new parts will we see in India on the Ferrari? They are aerodynamic parts and terminals of the exhaust to try to obtain more downforce, to allow the tires to achieve more rapidly the optimum temerature of use.
We should see new air intakes for the front brakes, the exhaust closer to the diffuser at the rear, a new rear wing design, new aerodynamic appendixes at the side entrance of the sidepods (N.d.T downwash wings?), new aerofoils under the nose, before the raised part of the monocoque.
All these parts, whose study began after Monza, have been tested in the Toyota wind tunnel in Cologne, being the Maranello one unusable. If possible, before sending the material in India, they will try to take a test in the straight line of Vairano, but the timing is really tight, because there is a real risk that these parts sent outside of the normal customs team channels, could remain blocked in the indian Customs, and not be available for the race."

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Re: Ferrari F2012


Hola Remix, bienvenido a este foro, que la paseis bien!

And thank you for the news about the recent test with Rigon.

But what does "new break aerodynamic parts" mean? You can give me the original language version in either Spanish or Italian if you'd like.
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Re: Ferrari F2012


mx_tifoso wrote:Hola Remix, bienvenido a este foro, que la paseis bien!

And thank you for the news about the recent test with Rigon.

But what does "new break aerodynamic parts" mean? You can give me the original language version in either Spanish or Italian if you'd like.
maybe the word is "brake aerodynamic parts" as it was mentioned before your post

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Re: Ferrari F2012


Thanks Ozan, I was overthinking it and hadn't seen the post right before mine.
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Re: Ferrari F2012


This article appeared today on AutoSprint talks about a secret straight aero test that the SF made in Spain, at the Idiada Circuit. ... st+segreto.

The article also says that the Ferrari might not carry all the new parts to New Delhi, but at least they verified some new stuffs and deeply studied old components.

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Re: Ferrari F2012


-Tifosi_dude- wrote:With all this talk of Ferrari's sidepod design that chokes the coke bottle area over the diffusor, I'm surprised teams haven't looked at Torro Rosso's double floor styled sidepod design; is it because it's CoG too high?
CoG and drag, really.

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Re: Ferrari F2012


Scuderia Ferrari Racing News n.18 ... mRzj8QSVeE

tombazis confirms straight line aero test...
says they will bring new parts to every race...

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Re: Ferrari F2012


Great shots of wind tunnel testing:

The car is connected to the vertical rod holding it in place not on top of the tv camera pod like other wind tunnels but inside the cockpit

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Re: Ferrari F2012


As someone else mentioned(Scarbs) it's interesting the mirrors on the car don't resemble what's currently on the car. It does however look like one of the older configurations, as it looks like the mirror stalk and vortex generator are the same piece. Still great shots of the crappy Maranello wind tunnel.

Joined: 19 Feb 2012, 23:53

Re: Ferrari F2012


What would we expect from rumoured repositioned exhausts? Conceptionaly what stands out as being wrong on the current car? I find the sidepod shape not allowing enough air to the cokebottle shape interesting as they have what looks like the tightest cokebottle but cannot utilise it. Is the tight cokebottle a result of vertical radiators but in turn this means sidepid gets in the way. Did they not say theywill not change radiators so what options are available?

Joined: 20 Oct 2012, 01:44

Re: Ferrari F2012


markp wrote:What would we expect from rumoured repositioned exhausts? Conceptionaly what stands out as being wrong on the current car? I find the sidepod shape not allowing enough air to the cokebottle shape interesting as they have what looks like the tightest cokebottle but cannot utilise it. Is the tight cokebottle a result of vertical radiators but in turn this means sidepid gets in the way. Did they not say theywill not change radiators so what options are available?
The newspapers talks about of new exhaust but im not so sure its true.
What is wrong? Hmmm... You have got brig the tires to work and have mechanical grip (see mercedes --> no chance)
I think the biggest problems ferrarihas is bring good air from the front wing back to sidepods, rearwing and diffusor.
The cola bottle effects so i understand is more efficiencli if you bring good air outside the car (over and side the frontwings to speed up the air to cola bottle in the end = more downfore = better tyres efficience = better perfomance)
The radiators ferrari never talked about and if they had so big problems with the radiators they would have been changed before barcelona

One of the problem can be the suspension?

Please say if im wron with my opinion, i will learn :)
And sorry 4 my english i hope u can understand what i would say :P

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Re: Ferrari F2012


markp wrote:What would we expect from rumoured repositioned exhausts? Conceptionaly what stands out as being wrong on the current car? I find the sidepod shape not allowing enough air to the cokebottle shape interesting as they have what looks like the tightest cokebottle but cannot utilise it. Is the tight cokebottle a result of vertical radiators but in turn this means sidepid gets in the way. Did they not say theywill not change radiators so what options are available?
If you are asking for conceptual mistake then Mr. Gary Anderson from BBC will probably tell you that Ferrari's exhaust ramp or the famous ACER duct is the main problem, which is creating huge amount of drag and also disrupting the airflow towards the central section of the diffuser.

But for me i think there is nothing wrong in Ferrari's concept rather they are paying the price of having a windtunnel that does not give accurate result and also not having state-of-the-art CFD capacity. So at first all of their work produce different result and then rest of the time passed to recapture the time lost at the start of the season.

Though Ferrari used exhaust ramp which is some people refer as a copy of Mecca. But From the start of the season they have retain the acer duct [may be change the layout a bit but it remain there after so much criticism which is itself a testimony that Ferrari's concept was right regarding exhaust] which is original for F2012.

Another thing is that Ferrari traditionally dependent upon track testing so they are behind from most of the teams in terms of CFD technology, so when their windtunnel data produce wrong result they can not continue their works through simulation or CFD. Thus become some way crippled, and remember though they are using Toyotas WT but every WT should be carefully modified, adjusted or correlate perfectly with given job. So ........................ Ferrari have a big :shock: in the start of the season ....................................... :(
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