Cam wrote:
Kiril - would you know if someone is there at the simulator during a race weekend? It'll be interesting to know if they run simultaneous track and simulator runs and compare notes. (apologies for off topic)
Cam, to be honest, I don't know the answer, but I will ask.
My personal opinion would be rather No, as simulators are usually being fed with data collected after and during the race, so I will assume that these tasks are done after the GP. Besides, the third or the test driver is usually on the race along with the rest of the stuff, as this is priceless experience - that's one, and second, he may be up for a sudden challenge, in case something goes wrong with the main drivers.
As for the race itself, I was trying to dig deeper into the data, but I can hardly find any strong patterns to analyze yet. Search to be resumed at night. Despite that, I was expecting Lewis to win easy (my personal salute to him for being sportsman and gentlemen asking about the crash and the consequences), but reliability is one of the greatest factor in any machine - if it doesn't work, there's no production.