You've answered you're own question and given my theory of lag extra credibility - so thank you.
As I see that video, you can see Maldonado on the right hand side of turn 3, hence the yellow, then we hit the straight and we see the green flag on the left hand side, Vettel makes the pass, then passes the green LED. Notice the LAG after he passes the green LEDs - the dash lights don't go off until he's passed the braking marker - yet, as the regs say, you can pass at the point of the green flag - so the dash lights are wrong, at least for some distance.
Now, can you see that?
GREEN LEDs - dash lights on. Lights should turn off on the point of the those LEDs
Now we're passed those LED's - dash lights still on - notice the braking marker on the RHS
Dash lights go off - way passed the approved point. The dash lights are a GUIDE. they are not 100% accurate.
So you're basing this entire thing on dash lights which I've just proven here are not accurate? And you still won't acknoledge the green flag being waved.
There is no convincing you, it is plain to see.