Please can you point me where I said
Red Bull racing's budget was 600 million?
The figures I quoted where from the newspiece Bhall posted. 250 for RBR and 350 for RBT=600 million every year.
This does not include STR's budget, which is seperate to that of either RBT or RBR.
CHT wrote:The reason why I brought up MP4-12C or Ferrar road car is that, the automotive division of Mclaren or Ferrari do have direct benefits from F1 technology, and any transfer of technology, goodwill, brand value etc from F1 to road car will mean that F1 division will set to gain from profitably business transaction; something which you cant do in RBR case because RBT doesnt sell cars and F1 technology is irrelevant to making energy drink.
What does this have to do with transfer of technology, year on year Coanda development/F-duct/DDRS/XX amount of exhaust iterations/different front wing for every race?
A 458 has about as much relevance to an F2012 as my ass does to Martians anus. They're different beasts altogether, even if they share 4 wheels(1 hole) and a chassis(bum cheeks)
There is NO transfer from road cars to F1 cars, and if there is it would be universally adopted almost immediately.
As for RB not selling cars, as they're an energy drinks firm...well that's true. So we should give them a 350 million dollar dispensation annually as they deal in Taurine and not Petroleum?
That is where we are falling down.
Red Bull are obviously exploiting the loopholes.
Red Bull technology have a turnover of 350 million dollars which is more than Mercedes turnsover on it's
1.Racing team,
2.Mercedes High perfomance engines,
3.It's KERS
4. Supply of 3 teams with engines and KERS combined.
On top of this, Red Bull then turnsover a further 250 million on its racing team.
On top of this, they don't pay for engines OR KERS.
Soon, things start to stack up.