with the drd air inlets just alongside the airbox intake, i suspect you have to consider whether the airbox intake is spilling or not and whether the little gap between the drd intakes and the airbox wall would take care of all the spill. the spill would happen at high speed.
my only experience is with jet engines on fighters. there, you either have a variable size intake (typically via a pivoting ramp like the one shown below on an F4) or the fancy bump intake on the F35 or you have to eat the drag from the slower speed air that gets spilled out.
insert an imaginary video here by the lovable italian guy on scarbs' website who explained the coanda effect with a spoon and a faucet: "you see we have a small funnel under the faucet, like so. when the water is flowing slowly, it all goes through the funnel hole. but when the faucet is opened up, all the water cannot go through the funnel. it fills up and flow back over the top, like so...."