shelly wrote:
The vortex created from the strake is close to the footplate vortex, and is rotating in the opposite sense, Ideally you would like to blow the exhaust between these two voritces, in order to achieve the famous "sealing" effect
what you call footplate vortex is the one on the lower side of the floorplate I assume, i.e. the one created by the lower side of the bargeboard.
The vortex of the strake will ilkely add to the vortex created by the upper side of the barge board moving through the undercut alongside the sidepod and above the floorplate. This vortex will be rotating on the upper side to the inside of the car, thus in the opposite direction of the lower 'floorplate vortex'.
It would be interesting to see a high resoution CFD of the Ramp solution. I'm wondering how much of the upper side vortex (from the barge board) through the undercut will go into the tunnel and what happens to the remaining vortex: will it move straight ahead along the strake to the diffuser edge ? That's what I assume is the goal. But does it work that way?