2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


ChrisF1 wrote:Barichello was a moron for going in the gap with Schumi at Hungary.

It's the same, as I posted earlier, there was a car and 3/4 gap, and Vettel went for it, and Webber closed the door as much as possible without contact.

Webber was being dirty.
Barichello was alongside Schumacher whilst he was being pushed closer and closer to the wall. Webber was ahead of Vettel when he held a straight line parallel to the wall. He didn't close the gap, he didn't make it tighter, Vettel chose to go that side of him and through the pit lane exit. Webber didn't push him further, there's no comparison.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Can't wait for the video of SKY team radio channel :mrgreen:.
The boss follows me on twitter.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


myurr wrote: But that's not what happened. Red Bull told Webber that Vettel would not pass, to turn his engine down, and put him on the hard tyres to run conservatively to the end. Apparently he was told TWICE that Vettel would not attack. Vettel was told not to pass, to maintain the gap. He ignored those orders, attacked, got alongside, and put Webber in a situation where he could defend and probably crash or let him go. Webber let him go and brought the car home. Vettel then lied about knowing about the team orders.
Agree, This is plain and simple truth anyone who can't see this is just a vettel fanboy

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


I can already smell Tomba, MX, Richard are going to have a field day issuing warnings to some naughty kiddies (no not our dear veterans...the newbies)...play nice guys...we are just mere pawns in this sport...they love the fact we are arguing...it gets people talking, gives them ratings as people will want to watch replays etc to "experience" the "drama".
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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


I am feeling bad about Mercedes :( I don't want Lewis and Rosberg fightning with each other after the team is finally getting out of their bad times. And i don't give a sh#t about Redbull :D

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Thanks for the Webber and Horner interview. Looks Horner did what any team principle would do, that is to minimise risk and bag the points. And he clear understand that from the drivers point of view, that they should race and competitive drivers comes with ego. I mean won't mark had try to attack?
Anyway, Webber is just upset because he lost the fight, use plenty of "legitimate reasons" to build his case.

Btw, where did the tyre choice of Webber argument came from? I don't recall it from any radio conversation or anywhere else.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


The thing with Rosberg and Hamilton was that they overtook each other a good 3-4 times. Every time Rosberg passed Hamilton, he got re-passed immediately before he could even attempt at pulling a gap. It was logical from the team's pow to tell them to stay put after that point.
Last edited by Shrieker on 24 Mar 2013, 13:48, edited 1 time in total.
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Joined: 24 Mar 2013, 12:32

Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Yes I'll concede there was the "multi 2-1" order apparently. Meaning the #2 driver is to finish ahead of the #1 driver.
All of a sudden Red Bull does team orders?

But it is idiotic. Apart form being bad for the sport.
You don't order the #1, the champion to not overtake.
I am not entirely sure if that has sunken in at Red Bull yet. IF (big IF) you have team order you tell #2 to let #1 pass.
:lol: Else you let them race.
Red Bull needs to work on that.

Also I will note that in my first post I said Vettel apologised to Webber for overtaking. Funny as this concept may be (in a race).
Last edited by MWcrazyhorse on 24 Mar 2013, 13:51, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Another fantastic drive for Bianchi and great 13th place finish.

He is really a bad news for other rookies this year.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


For the Webber fans, this is just the sort of internal team friction/injustice that propelled Webber to push for the 2010 title. He is a very emotional guy, and I can see this lighting a fire under his seat. He will also get a lot of confidence from what was a well driven race - he was at the front on merit and would have stayed there if he didn't back off.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


It's just unbelievable how some people are unable to understand simple logic!

After the last pit stop Webber was infront of Vettel and if they were still racing freely, Webber would have finished 1st and Vettel second. But team decided for both drivers not to push and calm down to perserve tyres, engine, gearbox ... all the material. Webber did obey team orders because he relied on that! Vettel didn't! And this is very selfish move!

It's just that simple.
Last edited by Joie de vivre on 24 Mar 2013, 13:45, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Raptor22 wrote:
Juzh wrote:The amount of double standards on this forum is outrageous. Vettel beat mark, the end. When mark was told in silverstone 2011 to stay put he ignored it and attacked vettel fair and square, yet at that time everyone was fine with it. GTFO.

100% CORRECT. As usual Webber throws his toys when it doesn't work out his way.
Vettel 3 x WDC..............Webber not even the same number of race victories.

What Vettel did to Webber is the same thing Senna would have done any of his team mates. Its racing and I'm pretty glad he took he initiative and over took Webber.

Strange how no one makes a bog deal of Webber trying to put Vettel into the wall...
Webber throws his toys? I'm sorry, but it's been quite the other way plenty of times with Vettel bickering every time things didn't go his way. Webber trying to put Vettel into the wall...? He was driving in a straight line and Vettel chose to go there. And as for this being racing - Webber was told to turn down the engine, he was on the slower tires, he was told that they would finish in the current order, he was basically just nursing the car to the finish. So kudos to Vettel's "racing".

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang



This is material in support of Myur's argument...I'm not weighing in this just posting the video.
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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


I think trust is not there the other way around Seb doesn't trust Web period . Reasons if you have the Brazil 2012 race you can clearly see that Webbo didn't give a **** about the championship battle btw ALO and SEB he almost blocked him 4 times in the race and gave him the position back after repeated team instruction (Horner today confirmed it) . In 2011 when Webbo was told to hold station he raced SEB in the latter part of the race (still didn't get past =D> ) ,WEB own manager Flavio even said he would have told him to hold station (if he was the team principle) . In Silverstone 2011 Seb was given WEB wing because he was higher in championship (look at what Lotus is doing with GRO now and its fair enough)

In todays race it was clear that Web couldn't last the tyres as Seb could (check the slow mo replays and you can see the amount of degradation on WEB hard vs SEB med in the 2nd stint ,and SEB made them last longer) . Next due to WEB pacing and Hamilton pitting SEB lost 2nd place due to WEB pitting before than him (maybe this pissed SEB off :mrgreen: ).

This was the payback time for SEB (call me a fanboy but these points are hard to argue) and not lack of sportsmanship cause if WEB would have been in his position chances are that he would have done the same :x .

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Frustrating from ferrari perspective; reminds me alotv of Canada 2011 when they really could have done without the rain.