2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Traction wrote:I'll just leave this here...even though it will be conveniently ignored :lol:

So two wrongs make a right? Especially when it's the second round and there's no drivers title on the line?

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


MWcrazyhorse wrote:
I checked that and they are not. It is difficult to tell as the radio overlaps, but at 20:32-20:40 in the interview bit on the podium video again: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8xppm9tzXc8
you can tell that it is in sync, if you listen carefuly.
What about Lewis Hamilton's radio playing at 18:30, with the crowd looking up at the podium? Or Rosberg's radio with Hamilton on the podium? At both times both people were long out of their car.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Ray wrote:
Traction wrote:I'll just leave this here...even though it will be conveniently ignored :lol:

So two wrongs make a right? Especially when it's the second round and there's no drivers title on the line?
I think the point Traction was making is that - those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


raymondu999 wrote:
Ray wrote:
Traction wrote:I'll just leave this here...even though it will be conveniently ignored :lol:

So two wrongs make a right? Especially when it's the second round and there's no drivers title on the line?
I think the point Traction was making is that - those living in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.
He's done everything they asked of him, they've screwed him at every turn. Not to mention their "chief" consistently craps on him every chance he gets. There's open hostility against Mark Webber at Red Bull, I'd be pissed too. How many times has Helmut bad mouthed him in the press and Horner or any other executive just let it happen? The man is openly --- on by management, he has the right to complain when they screw him. Again.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


On what Multi 21 actualy means.
Near the bottom of this page:
On the steering wheel on the right is the Mult(i) octagon with number of 1-8. On the left there are the numbers 1 to x. Could (multi) 2-1 be a combination of these numbers a 2 on the left and a 1 on the right?

I finally figured out what Webber meant when he said multi 21. Here it is.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO1JnT6wCXc =D>
He was expressing his love for gay musicals. With gay I mean fun of course. This guy really does have a sense of humor after all.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Traction wrote:I'll just leave this here...even though it will be conveniently ignored :lol:

Standings prior to 2011 British Grand Prix


With a 77-point lead, Vettel needed help against his teammate?

2011 was a glory run for Vettel and Red Bull, because the RB7 was a world-beater, and they wanted to show it off and run up the score. Incidentally, that's why Vettel and Webber were sent out with dangerous camber setups for the Belgian Grand Prix later that year - Newey: "one of the scariest races I've ever been involved in" - even though they were eeeeeeeasily in command of both Championships at that point: they wanted the pole record, and were willing to risk lives to get it. (To be fair, the drivers were just a culpable in that regard.)

So, yes, I can understand Webber, who was faster at the British Grand Prix, being pissed about a request to subjugate himself for little more than the glory of his teammate.

[EDIT: Then again, Red Bull's bread and butter, the exhaust blown diffuser, was in jeopardy. So, maybe consolidating points at all costs was the right move. I can't remember when the meeting that reversed that decision happened, though. If it was before the race, then I rest with my original view.]

Now for this race, even Vettel was worried about tire wear - “I hope we have enough tyres to survive the race and it is not a lot of fun and that is how it is.” - and his team adopted a strategy it thought made best use of the tires for the sake of the team. It involved both drivers cruising toward the end, because points are points are points. I'm sure pole-sitter Vettel was OK with this strategy prior to the race, because he naturally assumed his talent would have him ahead of his teammate when the call came to implement the agreed strategy. But, when --- happened (to everyone), and he found himself behind, he couldn't be bothered to follow the pre-ordained script, because the opportunity for glory was more enticing than the opportunity for honor.

It was that simple, and it's a situation that has made many, many drivers look very, very bad throughout the years. Now is just the time for Vettel to wear that dubious crown.

(For what it's worth, I'm a Ferrari fan and I cringed when I heard, "Fernando is faster than you," in 2010. It's OK to be embarrassed by your chosen lot.)

[EDIT 2: I should probably delete this, because I've realized just saying it was enough for me. That's an awful lot of writing to waste, though. There are starving somethings somewhere...and they survive off...kerning?]
Last edited by bhall on 25 Mar 2013, 05:45, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


I really enjoyed McLaren's joke at the end of the race: giving Perez a qualifying lap at the last lap with fresh tires.
"We were not actually miserably slow."
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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Traction wrote:I'll just leave this here...even though it will be conveniently ignored :lol:

I must be missing something here. Webbers words certainly stated he hated team orders, his actions however, clearly showed he abides by them. The race result shows webber finished behind Vettel - as ordered.

What's the old saying about actions speak louder than....
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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


There will be consequences of what vettel did to webber . as someone pointed out in the forum , vettel was aware tht fernando is out of race and he went on to maximize the point lead by ignoring team orders.
webber does not beg for win like vettel does over radio , shouting let me pass because webber is slow and then loosing over a second in next one and half lap.
vettel thinks he can do anything and get away with it , considering his undisputed number1 status within redbull. he is shrewd enough to take the win and act innocent in public (apologizing to team and webber in public) everyone knows he won't move over for webber , if such a possibility comes in.
he is less aware of "Aussie grit" , this incident will bring something special out of "webber" ( i hope so) but i am sure we will see some "KERS issues" with webber's car in upcoming races (specially at the start) , sometime i feel kers installation on webber's car is done by "Marko".
over a season luck evens out and you pay for your actions. Season is long enough for webber to pay in installments , show him the wall , grass , dnt move over , red carpet welcome to alonso/hamilton on pass.
day will come when vettel's fanboys will be discussing about a move to overtake webber tht ended into the wall and christian horner shouting "come on web its silly" and vettel shouting "yess yess yess .. i did it ...".

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


MWcrazyhorse wrote:On what Multi 21 actualy means.
Near the bottom of this page:
On the steering wheel on the right is the Mult(i) octagon with number of 1-8. On the left there are the numbers 1 to x. Could (multi) 2-1 be a combination of these numbers a 2 on the left and a 1 on the right?
I think it's best to put the term in context and then we can see which makes more sense:

Multi 21 = Fuel Lean
Webber (angrily): "Fuel lean, Seb. Fuel lean". - maybe, doesn't really make sense.
Multi 21 = Adjust Bias
Webber (angrily): "Adjust bias, Seb. Adjust bias". - nope, don't think that's it.
Multi 21 = Hold Position
Webber (angrily): "Hold position, Seb. Hold position". - winner?
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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang



Webber is reportedly back in Queensland Australia with his manager discussing his options, A lot of people will most likely say "good, he's getting old" but I believe he has a wealth of knowledge, reliability, dependability about him...so if this is true and not rumour we may see Buemi driving in China...who knows :?

No source as of yet, just a local tabloid that isn't as credible as the major news branches
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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Cam wrote:
Traction wrote:I'll just leave this here...even though it will be conveniently ignored :lol:

I must be missing something here. Webbers words certainly stated he hated team orders, his actions however, clearly showed he abides by them. The race result shows webber finished behind Vettel - as ordered.

What's the old saying about actions speak louder than....
Yes, but Webber was giving it plenty and trying to overtake Vettel that race.
Hail22 wrote:Webber is reportedly back in Queensland Australia with his manager discussing his options, A lot of people will most likely say "good, he's getting old" but I believe he has a wealth of knowledge, reliability, dependability about him...so if this is true and not rumour we may see Buemi driving in China...who knows :?
It would be interesting to see if it really does cause him to resign - not that I think it would. But I think that would mean bye-bye WCC. I actually think that if it's a long-term thing rather than a one-off, RBR will go for one of the STR boys for an early promotion, rather than Buemi.

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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


raymondu999 wrote:
Hail22 wrote:Webber is reportedly back in Queensland Australia with his manager discussing his options, A lot of people will most likely say "good, he's getting old" but I believe he has a wealth of knowledge, reliability, dependability about him...so if this is true and not rumour we may see Buemi driving in China...who knows :?
It would be interesting to see if it really does cause him to resign - not that I think it would. But I think that would mean bye-bye WCC. I actually think that if it's a long-term thing rather than a one-off, RBR will go for one of the STR boys for an early promotion, rather than Buemi.
Giving vettel curry and disobeying direct orders are 2 separate things, IMO - certainly Webber never stole a race win.

Mark has never been about the money, so walking away from his contract is an option. Who really wants to work in a place where no-one, absolutely no-one, has your back. I can see Mark leaving on principle - and that would speak volumes.

Mark is a proven race winner who almost took the WDC, and I'm sure he has been invaluable in helping to develop the car that Vettel has won 3 x WDC in. Webber deserves to be treated with respect - something which is sadly lacking.

Although I would hate to see him go, and I don't think he will - I wouldn't blame him.
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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


Cam wrote:
Traction wrote:I'll just leave this here...even though it will be conveniently ignored :lol:

I must be missing something here. Webbers words certainly stated he hated team orders, his actions however, clearly showed he abides by them. The race result shows webber finished behind Vettel - as ordered.

What's the old saying about actions speak louder than....
How can you possibly be serious...completely ignored team orders, admitted to it and yet somehow Vettels disobeying is somehow worse. The only difference is that MW didn't have what it takes to get past SV in that race. He absolutely gave it a bash though and his intent was completely there. What MW has proved here is that although what SB did was ultimately wrong in so far as disobeying TO is that he is a huge hypocrite and so are all those who are bashing Seb for doing exactly what Mark tried to do but failed.
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Re: 2013 Malaysian GP - Sepang


There is absolutely no chance of Webber quitting, he's a professional and will keep going.
Sadly, there will be no repercussions from this. MW is possibly in his final year with Red Bull anyway , the only other options for him are lesser teams. I can't see him dropping to that level.

Whether it's right or wrong, he is the second driver and will always be as long as Vettel is there.

It's a big talking point but ultimately it's a waste of time debating it.