A few more numbers for you:-
Added columns to show "balance corrected" aero coefficients, i.e. for all teams but one the rear downforce has been adjusted down to balance the front in a 46:54 split (For Team Furia the front downforce has been adjusted down to balance the rear). The Cd.A is unadjusted. Essentially if your car is making an unbalanced amount of rear downforce you won't gain any more cornering performance (the car being limited by the amount of downforce created at the front), but you will have to pay the price for the extra drag that the excess rear downforce brings with it). This gives a much better indication of car performance, as you can see:-
Of course; this is only 1/3 of the picture because I haven't done the 180mph case and the yawed case. In addition, you might find that it is slightly beneficial to have a bit more rear downforce than the balanced case suggests as this means you have more traction coming out of the corners.... This is most likely the reason why the Hit Rest car is faster than the Wiggles car....
Cars in red are those given penalties... I've put them in "un-penalised" lap time order so its easier to see patterns in the aero numbers....