pocketmoon wrote:In Spain quali they flew in the 'technical' sector 3 and Nico was down in 15th in the speed trap. The merc is a monster through the corners therefore must have more available grip and therefore the tyres are doing more useful work through the corners.
Correlation does not necessarily indicate causality.
Unless you are ripping the tyre surface (i.e. sliding/slipping), lower speed corners will tend to wear the tyres less as the energies involved are significantly less.
Their speed through the last sector in quali, is more indicative of them having additional heat in the tyres, keeping them chemically "turned on" (ooh err

) longer than the rest and hence having more grip in them last few slow corners. But, during longer runs, the heat accumulates, overheating the tyre and resulting in both detrimental changes in both grip and degradation.
If I had to make a wild assed guess (and that's all it is, a guess) - I'd start by looking at my suspension geometry under significant load deflection (high speed cornering) for the load distribution across the tyre face and through both (inboard and outboard) sidewalls and my downforce level across the rear axle (inside to outside wheel) - again for high speed corners.
But, there are much more informed and experienced folks than me in Merc that haven't got a handle on it yet, so the problem would appear to be not an obvious one... [i.e. meaning my guess is very very likely to be wrong.]