Going back a couple of pages onto intercooler positioning.
A couple of elements to consider:
- smaller engine
- less fuel- smaller fuel cell
Are the ERS/KERS/turbo turbine able/going to be in one unit? (excl. Batteries/control electronics/manifold)
If so, there's surely scope (assuming the turbo exhaust can be a bit on the short side) for using space freed up behind the driver?
I'm thinking wedge the IC slightly in front, but with airflow along the flanks of the engine (under the cylinders), raise the fuel cell (quite a bad idea) and feed as much channelled air (from upstream) as you can muster behind the driver into the gap under the fuel cell.
Rads may need to move backwards to open up a more direct inlet to go with other air channelled/ducted from upstream. Moving the rads backwards may choke off the coke-bottle area somewhat.
I like the neatness of stuffing the IC down there, but there's a couple of big compromises and I'm not sure where the turbo/airbox connection get routed, which may mean it's not workable.
Any thoughts from real engineers on that layout?
::stands back and waits to be shot down::