exactly. talking about F1 needing to get greener whilst boats carrying containers from china to whatever country pollutes the air like insane, oil tankers, cruise ships, not to mention the amount of fuel tanks need to operate, and the amount of fuel that gets wasted.Sebp wrote:We buy tons of stuff every year that someone else around has risked their life to produce in exchange for f*ck all.
thousands of airplanes flying every single day from destiny to destiny, dumping loads of kerosine just before landing,
and people discuss about the tiny amount of fuel that f1 cars burn over a year? it's rediculous.
sure, if you look at the facts, you can cut down perhaps half of the amount of fuel f1 burns throughout an entire year,
and as such, will make a difference.
that amount though goes all through the drain when a supertanker or containership has a stronger wind to sail, or has
to steer away from potential pirate threat.
your average containership consumes 200 tons of fuel A DAY.
The Emma Mearsk burns 14,000 l of heavy fuel oil per HOUR.
roughly said, that's 120 gallons per mile = 454 litres per 1.61 km = 282 L per km.
(0.25 lbs/hp/hr, 25,000 pounds per hour, 7lbs/gallon, 3600 gallons per burned per hour,
cruise speed 25 knots or 28.75mph. +/- 30mph = 3600 gallons per 30miles.)
and that's without mentioning these ships run on [supercheap] bunker fuel, which is nearly as thick as asphalt
and needs extreme heating to be used.
if you compare that, a containership burns 4330 litres of extremely dirty bunker fuel over 15 km, while your average modern economy car burns just 1 litre of 'clean' gasoline. puts some perspective to that.
16 of the world’s largest ships can produce as much lung-clogging sulphur pollution as all the world’s cars.
they burn the cheapest, filthiest, high-sulphur fuel: the thick residues left behind in refineries after the lighter liquids have been taken. The stuff nobody on land is allowed to use.
and i'm not even talking about the not too few (talking millions here) cancerous results from the highly toxic bunker fuel that pollutes.