LionKing wrote:myurr wrote:
He mattered whilst MS was making money from sponsorship deals. To say he doesn't matter at all now is just as callous as demanding information from the family.
This is not sound logic at all. The fact that people paid for something does not mean they are entitled to something else just because of that. Fans do not usually donate to the charities of their favorite athletes. If they bought something, they also got something in return, whether be t-shirts, hats, etc...
Schumacher built a brand around his public persona and the point I was making is that it is callous to expect all those people to suddenly not matter when their idol, who has cultivated them as part of his brand, is seriously ill in hospital.
LionKing wrote:Secondly, what is the need for update when there is very likely none? What are they going to say everyday? that he is still sleeping or that these are the results of his latest liver function test?
There have been updates that were only confirmed to the public due to leaks. Namely that Schumacher had pneumonia and that he was back in an induced coma. Those are not just the status quo, and even if his management did release a statement saying "no change" that's better than not releasing one at all, if it's true.
LionKing wrote:And even if they have more information to provide, what would happen if they release more details? There will instantly be armchair medical experts and other doctors giving all sorts of opinions including some second-guessing the current treatment etc.
As opposed to the speculation in vacuum that we've had instead? Informed speculation is always better than wild guessing based on an absence of information. Not providing any updates has been shown to not help the situation, plus the news eventually leaks anyway causing more distress than if it were being properly managed.
LionKing wrote:What matters is whether the team attending Schumacher is one of the best available. If so, just let them do their job and eventually he will see the outcome. Hopefully it will be the favorable outcome we are looking for. Schumacher is not the only patient in that hospital, those doctors have others to attend as well. It is very selfish to demand that they waste their time daily and deal with distractions.
No one has asked for this, it is something you have constructed to try to back up your argument. An update every couple of weeks is not too much to ask, rather than an update a day or two after the news leaks anyway. No one has requested daily updates.
Also no one has asked for the medical team to provide the updates. Whilst that would be appreciated if there are dramatic changes in his condition, I have consistently said that his management team should be providing the updates and that it is their failure to manage the situation that should be criticised. Schumacher has an extensive management team for managing his public profile and they should be doing so.