In all of this, while the focus is on the TD and it's legality, there's still one part that has gone under the radar - what was the reason for listing Breach of Article 3.2 of the FIA Formula One Sporting Regulations?
The FIA document states this:
10) Under Art. 3.2 of the Sporting Regulations it is the duty of the team to ensure compliance with the Technical Regulations throughout the Event.
Which is not quite right. What Article 3.2 actually says is:
3.2 Competitors must ensure that their cars comply with the conditions of eligibility and safety throughout practice and the race.
So why did the FIA misquote their own document? Being a reason to disqualify someone, surely you'd have your dots lined up? So what exactly about Article 3.2 did they breach?
Another possible avenue regarding the TD for Red Bull are these little gems from the INTERNATIONAL SPORTING CODE
18.2.2 Technical design of the Automobile
Changes to technical regulations, to Appendix J or to Appendix K adopted by the FIA, will be published no later than 30 June each year and come into effect no earlier than 1 January of the year following their publication, unless the FIA considers that the changes in question are likely to have a substantial impact on the technical design of the Automobile and/or the balance of performance between the Automobiles, in which case they will come into effect no earlier than 1 January of the second year following their publication.
18.2.3 Sporting rules and other regulations
18.2.3.b Such changes cannot come into effect before 1 January of the year following their publication, unless the FIA considers that the changes in question are likely to have a substantial impact on the technical design of the Automobile and/or the balance of performance between the Automobiles, in which case they will come into effect no earlier than 1 January of the second year following their publication.
This sounds like a TD doesn't it? Which follows suit where previous examples of TD's rolled into the Regulations the year after they were issued. If this is right, then that TD cannot come into effect until 1 January 2015.