Hi guys. Here it is a new user in this forum. I've seen it for the first time a few months ago but registered today .
I'm making the last year project for my degree (engineering) in F1 front wings. Through the last weeks I've entered here searching for some info to help me. Sometimes it is easier to understand net users rather than a book with just equations... So there are some posts about CFD, wings and stuff like that, which are pretty cool to have some basic knowledge. But I couldn't find any post in here or in the internet refered to the airfoils F1 teams are using (coordinates). OK, it's probably confidential data, but some shapes could be get by photos or inverse engineering.
So I thought to make a specific post for these little guys called airfoils. In this post we can put the info we have about airfoils.
The little information I could find tell me that there is one guy called Enrico Benzing (http://www.benzing.it/enrico.profili.htm) who has made a great job in designing the shapes for high lift coefficient wings in motorsport. I've made some fast 2D calculations for each of them, and got CL from 1.5 to 2.0 (max. @ -12º aprox.) and CD from 0.08 to 0.15. I've used XFLR5 instead visualfoil or Xfoil, and just the wing without any kind of flap. Re from 6E5 to 1.2E6 (v=50-100m/s), and then I've made the average of the solutions. I think they are good numbers compared to NACA and other "commercial" profiles. What do you think about these?
And some points of interest we can discuss here:
·Do the F1 airfoils change in every race?
·What kind of airfoils are used now and in the past? Are the coordinates available? Or at least an approximate shape.
·What about the CL, CD (and efficiency) numbers? I've read the common is about CL 4 for a front wing.
Thanks in advance, I hope this post could be useful for people in the same situation as me . Bye