For what it is worth I have looked back through the photo's to try and find similar ones for comparison on the new nose. Obviously unless the angle, focal length, time of day, position of the moon etc etc is the same it is not exact but I found quite close matches to the two images above.
In this one I overlaid the old nose, most of the fixed points are matching. eg. camera pod, chassis mount holes, end of nose etc.
It seems that there is a steeper drop in the nose down to the tip where the Mercedes logo is, as the nose behind is higher.
In this one the angle is lower on the new nose but a basic comparison can be made. I put a line across where the top of the wing is. The differing angles will make the area above the line look larger than it is, but they have still increased the area.
Not sure if the nose appendage has become thinner in diameter or if the length change has made it look that way, the hole in the tip looks larger if the tip is the same size. Were they over the allowed nose tip area before?
The nose has gained some height, I think becoming more similar to Torro Rosso's nose, just with a squarer rather than arched profile.