marcush. wrote:have you ever attempted to overtake a car with similar Performance envelope by following closely ? this does not work at all .Overtaking is either a matter of the Driver in front in Trouble ( mechanical ,fuel consumption temps whatever) or making a mistake .
you can try to pressure the Opponent into making a mistake -but guys like Hulk or Schumacher do not make mistakes when defending .They have it pretty much under control due to peripheral awareness anticipation and strategy (they act ,they do not react as this is not allowed within the rules)
So brings us back to square one overtaking is not a matter of cf Brakes aero or weight -or power it is a matter of Deltas in Performance envelopes -does your car Nurse the tyres without compromising lap times , could you use traffic and clever tactics to save some kers or ERSH energy when your Counterpart could not add to this DRS and you got an overtake Situation.
would one want artificial overtaking ? I think it makes sense if there is no way past even if you are 2 seconds quicker than the guy in front.
I agree with the post above but would suggest that the magnitude of the performance delta required to effect an overtake is dependant largely upon how close you are to the car in front when you gain the advantage of that delta.
i.e. if you can follow within <0.5s you only need a small power advantage to get past, if you struggle to follow with 2s then you need a much larger advantage.
There appeared to be lots of overtaking in Australia and thinking back to the race at Sepang there was not really much opportunity for overtaking, I can only think of Massa being stuck behind slower cars....but then again it is Massa.
Bottas couldnt get past Massa but he was only 0.5s a lap quicker and was in the same car so perhaps to be expected?