Schumacher ski accident, coma and recovery

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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


Consider former Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon who was kept alive for 8 years after a stroke which destroyed 80% of brain matter. Essentially his skull contained only fluid. I think it's wrong to be kept alive in that state for so long. A family's love and unwillingness to let go becomes a curse.

I don't know how much damage has been done to schumacher's brain. But I don't think he would want to be kept alive in that state for several decades. It's wrong.

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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


Guys we all have to accept the situation. All around the world there are milions of curious fans and they all hope that he will recover. We don't know he will recover but we also don't know he won't. I think we have to stop speculating because Schumi's management is giving nothing away. Yes i really hope he will recover and even if he wont be able to walk or talk i hope he and his family and loved ones will find peace.
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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


Even as damning as it appears against all odds of what modern medicine and the best care has to offer stranger things have happened. We should respect the wishes and will of Micheal's family.

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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


A glimer of hope, he was, if media reports are to be believed, conscious today for a bit.

No comment on what his state of consciousness was though.

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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


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Kiril Varbanov
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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


10 minutes ago, mail from Sabine Khem:
Michael is making progress on his way. He shows moments of consciousness and awakening. We are on his side during his long and difficult fight, together with the team of the hospital in Grenoble, and wekeep remaining confident.

“We would like to thank you all for the continuous sympathies. At the same time we again ask for understanding that we do not intend to disclose details. This is necessary to protect the privacy of Michael and his family, and to enable the medical team to work in full calmness.”

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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


Frankly I find the whole situation with Michael to be selfish.

At the mention of this news, predictably, the comments from fans have been such, that they all want to see him come out of the coma...and that they hope he keeps fighting. Virtually everything I've seen indicates the majority of people want him to come out of it.

Where the selfishness enters into the whole thing, is that that everyone wants to see him regain full-consciousness so they can "have him back". Except, as always the great equalizer is that one does not know what sort of shape he will be in if, or when he comes out.

Will there be significant brain damage from the entire event that renders him nothing more than a drooling vegetable?

If it is a situation where he doesn't resemble what he was prior to the accident, then one could argue a strong case that he may have been better off passing away. But, the people (fans, media, whomever else) are incredibly selfish, because if it turns out he comes out of the coma with irreversible brain damage, then they will just forget about it....and it is easy to hope for him to come out when you're not the one who has to live with it on a daily basis (wife and children).

Be careful of what you wish for with this sort of thing.
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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


GitanesBlondes wrote:Frankly I find the whole situation with Michael to be selfish.

At the mention of this news, predictably, the comments from fans have been such, that they all want to see him come out of the coma...and that they hope he keeps fighting. Virtually everything I've seen indicates the majority of people want him to come out of it.

Where the selfishness enters into the whole thing, is that that everyone wants to see him regain full-consciousness so they can "have him back". Except, as always the great equalizer is that one does not know what sort of shape he will be in if, or when he comes out.

Will there be significant brain damage from the entire event that renders him nothing more than a drooling vegetable?

If it is a situation where he doesn't resemble what he was prior to the accident, then one could argue a strong case that he may have been better off passing away. But, the people (fans, media, whomever else) are incredibly selfish, because if it turns out he comes out of the coma with irreversible brain damage, then they will just forget about it....and it is easy to hope for him to come out when you're not the one who has to live with it on a daily basis (wife and children).

Be careful of what you wish for with this sort of thing.
Your comment is a joke or what?

Do you have any idea about how can a person mean for someone? even in a vegetative condition? So if your wife have a car accident and she gets in a vegetative condition... you'll leave her just because is hard?

We want Michael back because we love him no matter what. We aren't God to decide what to do with someone life and as long as there is hope we have to fight. Do you know how many ppls wants their relatives back? even with brain damages?

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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


Well said clipsy1H +1

Who are we to decide, if someone's life is worth living or not.

Well i wouldn't pull the plug on my mother, father, wife or children even if they are in vegetative stage for years!

Cold Fussion
Cold Fussion
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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


clipsy1H wrote: Your comment is a joke or what?

Do you have any idea about how can a person mean for someone? even in a vegetative condition? So if your wife have a car accident and she gets in a vegetative condition... you'll leave her just because is hard?
I would say it's selfish to expect that your partner will be with you to the very end if you wind up in a vegetative state. I think it's probably best we leave the mail articles out of this forum, they aren't a valid source of information.

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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


It's always important to remember what is right for one person may not be right for another which ever side a an argument you find yourself.

In delicate situations like this one it's often better to frame it round your own personal wishes or views. None of us know if Schumacher would find recovery with some degree of disability a living hell or the greatest victory of his life.

I know how I would be and I'm just a sloth-like keyboard warrior with an interest in F1.

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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


Cold Fussion wrote:
clipsy1H wrote: Your comment is a joke or what?

Do you have any idea about how can a person mean for someone? even in a vegetative condition? So if your wife have a car accident and she gets in a vegetative condition... you'll leave her just because is hard?
I would say it's selfish to expect that your partner will be with you to the very end if you wind up in a vegetative state. I think it's probably best we leave the mail articles out of this forum, they aren't a valid source of information.
I agree on both counts, the press are not in the business of truth and certainly won't let the facts get in the way of a good story.

One could easily go to town on the story of the cyclist just by asking basic questions like, what does standing mean? On his own or being helped by other as the pictures seem to depict. If it's the latter it's not really standing is it and therefore no story or at least it's not such a heartwarming story. The press has to frame anticipated or likely medical recoveries as miracles to sell copy.

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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


Get a hold of yourselves, listen to xperience;
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Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


My grandmother had a stoke which greatly affected her intellectual abilities. We could talk, but it was nearly impossible to have normal conversation. Overall on intellectual level she was as good as dead all that time. She couldn't take care for herself. Having a full-time nurse was too costly for my family, so sometimes I had to change her diapers myself, she also didn't quite like wearing them and always tried to pull them off so it could get really messy (you get the idea).
Having to spend much time caring for her affected my professional career negatively. Luckily I have a boss who is understanding and I managed to get my schedule quite flexible. It also affected my personal relationships. I also developed a sleep problems due to having to check her during nights often.
All in all, caring for her was not an easy task, and not too rewarding.
She died a year ago after almost five years in this state. And it hit me quite hard. I didn't expect that to be this much pain emotionally.
We are living people. Most of us tend to care about close to us. But I totally understand if somebody finds caring for a totally disabled person too hard and makes other choices.
There is no right way.
Though, it seems like Schumacher's family is tightly knit. so I think they would fight as long as there still are chances.
However, if it happens the other way, we can't judge them either.

Joined: 24 Jul 2012, 19:20

Re: Schumacher suffers head injury in ski accident


Maybe I am just misinterpreting what some people here are saying, but it seems the conclusion has been drawn, that Schumacher will end up in a completely vegetative state unless his life is ended. As far as I am informed, Schumacher may be recovering slowly and it is impossible to predict at this point how fast and how far he will progress in the recovery process. So it's fine to read about people who have an agreement with their loved ones about pulling the plug, but it's not relevant to Schumacher's situation yet. Nobody in their right mind would consider pulling the plug on him now, without any idea the alternative.