I think i somewhere read that MB builds their Turbos In House. But i'm not sure about that.donskar wrote: Who provides the M-B turbo?
I think i somewhere read that MB builds their Turbos In House. But i'm not sure about that.donskar wrote: Who provides the M-B turbo?
#aerogollumturbof1 wrote: YOU SHALL NOT......STALLLLL!!!
Having seen the performance of the Merc without ERS in Canada and the relative Performance between the Teams at the relatively high altitude in Austria, I at least partially agree that the Turbo could be a (big) part of the mess at Ferrari and even more so Renault.Owen.C93 wrote:Sounds like Ferrari fans grasping at straws and trying to blame the only supplier they know of, in this case Honeywell has been the only confirmed 2014 Turbo manufacturer.
I can't remember the supplier, but they're not built in house. We have the supplier in some of the threads here.Thunders wrote:I think i somewhere read that MB builds their Turbos In House. But i'm not sure about that.donskar wrote: Who provides the M-B turbo?
Basically mercedes bought the whole IHI facility...Pierce89 wrote:I can't remember the supplier, but they're not built in house. We have the supplier in some of the threads here.Thunders wrote:I think i somewhere read that MB builds their Turbos In House. But i'm not sure about that.donskar wrote: Who provides the M-B turbo?
charlex wrote:Marmorini is not a Ferrari fan but engine chief. This is the link with translationOwen.C93 wrote:Sounds like Ferrari fans grasping at straws and trying to blame the only supplier they know of, in this case Honeywell has been the only confirmed 2014 Turbo manufacturer.
https://translate.googleusercontent.com ... tCg_geQjgQ
They running a Garret T3/T4 ? haha Should have got the GT 40R..charlex wrote:new turbo supplier in 2015? Ferrari say Honeywell's turbo (made in u.s.) is one of the p.unit weaknesses
http://autosprint.corrieredellosport.it ... 015/16665/
Maybe KKK or Borg Warner...Pierce89 wrote:I can't remember the supplier, but they're not built in house. We have the supplier in some of the threads here.Thunders wrote:I think i somewhere read that MB builds their Turbos In House. But i'm not sure about that.donskar wrote: Who provides the M-B turbo?
No no realibilty changes are forbiteds for Midseason only. Not end of the year. Even performance changes are restricted year by year. So the all point is that FIA allow engine manufacturers to gradually get to the optimum PU ready for total freeze in 2018.Jashko wrote:Hey guys, could someone pls explain something to me because I'm left baffled with this.
Aren't performance wise changes banned? As I see it, for the next year they are allowed only to change something reliability wise, does that mean, if they indeed change the turbo suplier, the turbo has to have same specifications as the previous one, just output will be different?
Is this allowed?
Maybe Ferrari can prove that the size of the turbo for the current engine performance makes it unreliable/unsafe hence new size (and make) requiredaleks_ader wrote:No no realibilty changes are forbiteds for Midseason only. Not end of the year. Even performance changes are restricted year by year. So the all point is that FIA allow engine manufacturers to gradually get to the optimum PU ready for total freeze in 2018.Jashko wrote:Hey guys, could someone pls explain something to me because I'm left baffled with this.
Aren't performance wise changes banned? As I see it, for the next year they are allowed only to change something reliability wise, does that mean, if they indeed change the turbo suplier, the turbo has to have same specifications as the previous one, just output will be different?
Is this allowed?
That should be easy. The car's are so slow, they are in danger of being rammed from behind!Maybe Ferrari can prove that the size of the turbo for the current engine performance makes it unreliable/unsafe
I could not agree more.MOWOG wrote:That should be easy. The car's are so slow, they are in danger of being rammed from behind!Maybe Ferrari can prove that the size of the turbo for the current engine performance makes it unreliable/unsafe![]()
The current rules package is a load of steaming horse puckey. Introducing a completely new set of engine rules then preventing any upgrades to the engines is utter madness. Better the sport should ban any aero upgrades after the first race and leave engine development free.
What we have is institutionalized insanity.
I wrote it as a joke but cant it be proven that parts turbine and compressor fail because they are undersized hence need be changed ? It is well known that the stresses on a small turbo are lot higher than a large turboMOWOG wrote:That should be easy. The car's are so slow, they are in danger of being rammed from behind!Maybe Ferrari can prove that the size of the turbo for the current engine performance makes it unreliable/unsafe![]()