Diffuser Profiles and Shapes - October Racecar Engineering

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Diffuser Profiles and Shapes - October Racecar Engineering


Hey Guys,

Did any of you read that awesome article in the October 2014 issue of Racecar Engineering by Simon McBeath ? He did a whole bunch of CFD trials on different underbody configurations. Adding three vertical strake fences increased rear downforce from a coefficient of 1.0 to 1.6 !!!

Each strake generated vortices and helped organize the flow better to fling it back out outwards after funneling in between
the tires in his model ? I have been looking through old posts on the forums. There are several topics with CFD results
from simulations on concave and convex diffusers ? I cannot see the pictures ? Can you guys maybe repost them or maybe run new simulations at different ride heights and rake angles ? With and without strakes that are straight (front to back)
and curve/curl outwards towards the back ? What about simulating a gentler inflected "s" style diffuser profile.
Apparently the 1988 McLaren had such a diffuser ramp and it was less peaky compared to that of the 1988 March
or some other cars. Apparently the 1988 March and Benetton were "track hugging" cars run real low and stiff
to get the most out of aero as their engines were not the best ? Can anybody run these kinds of simulations
or post old ones ? I am a newly graduated electrical engineer from Canada, so for the time being I have no
experience with CFD stuff until I can sink my teeth into it at some point later on.

Thank you for taking the time to read this post. Cheers.

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Re: Diffuser Profiles and Shapes - October Racecar Engineeri


Are you interested in what, exactly? CFD visualization (pictures) or results and analysis?

(BTW i can't see old pictures too. It must be a problem of age...old pictures often get deleted from servers. So, unless the original posters don't repost them, they are lost)

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Re: Diffuser Profiles and Shapes - October Racecar Engineeri


Some sort of ride height and pitch angle sweep would be nice. Pictures, graphs, analysis, the works !!
I would do it myself, but I have no experience in this at the moment. My background is in electronics.
So I have to sit down and research how complex or easy it is to do something like this. I know
OpenFoam is free, but perhaps not the easiest to learn.


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Re: Diffuser Profiles and Shapes - October Racecar Engineeri


well...where to start...?

The very general statement is that the closer your diffuser is to the groud, the more downforce it produces (exponentially), until stall happens.
In this link you'll find two images showing the most interesting condition to analyze, transition from a steady to a turbulent flow, with consequent stall of a diffuser: http://www.vx220.org.uk/forums/topic/12 ... nd-design/

That's just a basic simulation, but we can observe how the "boundary layer/total flow" ratio increases as the floor gets nearer to the ground (meaning less energized flow). This condition promotes separation between the main stream and the diffuser, with a consequent loss of extraction capabilities from the diffuser itself.

Great article with simulations and graphs you were asking for (from Keith Young): http://consultkeithyoung.com/content/cf ... ide-height

In more complex systems (F1 aerodynamics...), controlled vortices are used to re-energize the flow, delaying the separation.
However vortices are also affected by ride height, as we can see here:

Another consideration: in real life ride height, pitch condition and flow quality do change very often and very quickly, forcing the diffuser to work in worse conditions, where stall is much more likely to happen and reattachment of the flow much harder.

I think this other article from Keith Young needs no further words: http://consultkeithyoung.com/content/cf ... user-angle

(the following comes from my personal experience with CFD)

Diffuser's aim is to accelerate and extract the greatest amount of air from the floor in order to produce downforce. However the diffuser itself produces a considerable amount of downforce on its own as it is a low pressure paradise. Therefore the main target is to find the best compromise between a diffuser that works better at extracting air from the floor but produces less downforce on its own, and a diffuser that does the opposite.

_Convex diffusers have a lower expansion ratio (meaning they are "gentler" at extracting air), but are less susceptible to stall; also, given their shape, they produce more downforce on their own compared to concave diffusers (these are the reasons why we don't find concave shapes on ordinary wings).
_Concave diffusers have a higher expansion ratio but less capability of producing downforce on their own. However, since they interact with the mandatory flat floor typical of F1 cars, they do produce more downforce overall. That happens because its shape properties (or, in other words, its greater expansion ratio) focus the low pressure area on its throat (the area between the floor and the diffuser itself), allowing for a greater interaction and better extraction between the diffuser and the floor.
_Hybrid diffusers (concave and then convex) are the compromise i was talking about.

Now some numbers:
i've designed and tested with decent accuracy different kinds of diffusers. They were tested with an actual F1 model around.


Model with Convex diffuser without strakes: 780N on the rear axle. (drag: 914N)
Model with Hybrid diffuser without strakes: 800N on the rear axle. (drag: 903N)

Model with Convex diffuser with strakes: 895N on the rear axle. (drag: 918N)
Model with Hybrid diffuser with strakes: 920N on the rear axle. (drag 908N)

I'd like to underline that every design was optimised to actual car's necessities in order to produce downforce.

Joined: 16 Sep 2014, 13:30

Re: Diffuser Profiles and Shapes - October Racecar Engineeri


For some reason I cannot see the pictures. Can you email them to me at:


I want to see the streamlines or the colors with strakes and no strakes.
