When asked if he had then given up on chasing a new title sponsor, Dennis said: "We haven't given up on the idea of attracting larger sums of money to our car, but what we don't want to do is put big brand names on at low levels of money. I feel a bit like Manchester United, which has had a run of crappy football games and gone down in the league. I still think we are Man Utd, I still think that we can come along and say 'will you sponsor us? We are still Man Utd'."
That looks to me like somebody over-pricing themselves. The truth is, and as a McLaren supporter it pains me to say this, McLaren is just not delivering the on track performance to make them worth $200M in sponsorship.
They last had a World Champion driver in [EDIT] 2008 and before that 1998 [EDIT], and I think they are going through the issues Williams faced after their successful run in the 1980's and early 1990's, when Newey quit over an equity issue. The Martin Whitmarsh period and world financial situation doesn't help.
But whatever: when Ron says "We haven't given up on the idea of attracting larger sums of money to our car" it looks like the fact is they can't and probably won't find a major sponsor in the shor-medium term. Luckily they are
un ancien, and get a large chunk of the television money, so it's not panic stations, but still that monthly cash burn will drain your bank account.
This signature is encrypted to avoid complaints, but it makes me laugh out loud:-
16S75 13E7K 41C53 7CT23 14O5O 67R32 76175 90B67 L4L42 41O63 72W56 98M10 52E87