4 hours left to get your entries in for round 3. We now have:
Hi Chris, could you explain the new K4.5 rule? The intent is clear but I did not understand some of the details, in particular: which is the function of the offset surfaces? The cooling path should not intersect that surfaces? The geometry I submitted for the 3rd race would be ok? I think that I would need to translate the cooling inlets to make them more distant from the cockpit template.cdsavage wrote:Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry - there are 10 entries for round 3, but with a couple of new teams this time. The rulebook compliance checking and CFD simulations will start shortly.
An update on the rulebook - 7 votes were received:
- 5 yes
- 2 abstain
- 0 no
Based on this, we will use the proposed rulebook for round 4 onwards. The rulebook is available on this page: http://www.khamsinvirtualracecarchallen ... lenge-2015
As mentioned in the email, there were some minor changes to some of the templates, so make sure that you're using the most recent parts.
Hi Steven, can't wait to see your car. Wich is the name of your team?sjns wrote:Hi guys,
just quickly wanted to say hello to you all! I've finally managed to finish a car and submit it for this race. It will be anything but fast, though I like it as a start.
Looking forward to some fun!
My team is CAEdevicesjns wrote:My team is called sjns-Racing. Maybe next year I'll be more creative on that side.
K4.5 is not really a 'new' rule, the wording at the end of K4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4 related to the 'plausible volumes inside the bodywork' have been moved into K4.5, and it will be judged roughly the same as those requirements were. The main difference is that previously if the flow from the cooling inlet to the outlet, for example, traveled through the space between the engine template and the bodywork surrounding it, then the space required between the bodywork and the engine template for the 'plausible volume' was completely subjective. There is still some subjectivity in judging this rule, but the offset guide is there to give you an idea for how much space should be left between the bodywork and the internal templates in these areas. Looking at your entry for round 3, it would almost be legal, but there is a small area above the sidepod where the bodywork would be slightly too close to the drivetrain template (I've emailed you an image).CAEdevice wrote:Hi Chris, could you explain the new K4.5 rule? The intent is clear but I did not understand some of the details, in particular: which is the function of the offset surfaces? The cooling path should not intersect that surfaces? The geometry I submitted for the 3rd race would be ok? I think that I would need to translate the cooling inlets to make them more distant from the cockpit template.cdsavage wrote:Thanks to everyone who submitted an entry - there are 10 entries for round 3, but with a couple of new teams this time. The rulebook compliance checking and CFD simulations will start shortly.
An update on the rulebook - 7 votes were received:
- 5 yes
- 2 abstain
- 0 no
Based on this, we will use the proposed rulebook for round 4 onwards. The rulebook is available on this page: http://www.khamsinvirtualracecarchallen ... lenge-2015
As mentioned in the email, there were some minor changes to some of the templates, so make sure that you're using the most recent parts.