I 100% agree with what you have said. I lost my job because of the 2006 engine regulations.gcdugas wrote:Any assertion that Max listens to the TWG, the teams (other than Ferrari), engineers, the principles, or the manufacturers is patently absurd. He openly defies them all. The narrow tract/grooved tyres change was foisted upon the teams unilaterally in 1998. All the goofy aero "box zones for wing locations" (raising the front wing twice now has made passing more difficult as the "ground effects" under the wing is far less aero sensitive when it is closer to the pavement enabling the cars to follow in "dirty air" much better for over-taking) changes have likewise been unilaterally decreed. Michelin was shown the door against many teams' wishes. The V8s, complete with specified bore centers, camshaft centers, alloys allowed, etc. were foisted upon the teams for "safety reasons". Variable intake trumpets were banned apart from the TWG's input etc. The engine freeze was never an idea that the teams or the TWG agreed to. The standard ECU wasn't agreed to by the TWG. The race fuel quali change of 2003 was introduced in January after the cars were already designed. All the quali changes since then have been done in defiance of the teams wishes. etc. etc. etc.
Crash structure loads, wheel tethers, cockpit issues and arguably the increase in mirror size are, all within the "safety clause", and thereby within the purview of the FIA. Engine configuration, (as late as 1995 we has V8s, V10s, and V12s), V-angle, cylinder spacing, camshaft location, (remember Renault was working on electro/magneto/servo controlled valves, a genuine breakthrough), allowable alloys etc. all are none of Max's business and belong to the domain of the TWG but Max has defied them all. In fact we wouldn't even have pneumatic valves if Max's micro-managing regs had been in place in 1990. Did you know, that in the mind of the FIA, a transmission must have a specified lag time between gear changes or it is deemed a CVT despite having fixed ratios? This is the type of nonsense that Max passes off as valid interpretation. BTW, why are CVTs banned anyway? And why was active suspension banned? And why no "torque steer" braking that would allow the inside trye to have less brake line pressure and thereby not lock up and ruin the tyre? Were any of these things properly run through th TWG? No!!!!
If Max has to take a fall I won't be loosing any sleep over it.