We know that there was a time that F1 cars could run fully enveloping bodies. Help me out here Ciro / Carlos/ A.N. Other -- was it not around 1954 that Mercedes-Benz ran a full-bodied F1 car? (With mixed results I hazily recall.) Then we have the semi-bodied Ferrari-Lancia of the mid-1950s, and in the 70's several cars with full-width noses.
When were the rules changed to
1) Ban full bodies
2) Ban full width noses
3) Any reason given?
As to why we now have open wheels:
1) Tradition of course, which despite the KER/fixed HP/fixed/torque hobby-horse riders in this forum, does have a lot of value.
2) Public perception that open wheels = fast. That perception is strengthened by the worldwide image of the Indy 500 and all F1 races in general.
3) (Tangentially) the archetypal Ameican "hot rod" is usually a fender-less Ford Model T, A or B.