the EDGE wrote: ↑16 Mar 2020, 14:25
You have a better way to explain?
Speaking personally, the short version is; The black-swan view is to eliminate low probability events with catastrophic outcomes - this entire thing bets on herd immunity actually being effective for this strain - which to my scientific knowledge has not been demonstrated to a sufficient degree.
There are other second order arguments as to why the plan is silly,
0) assumes minimal negative lifetime health outcomes for cured persons (not yet demonstrated)
1) it doesn't make sense if you health system already at near full capacity
2) people have to trust it and not panic themselves or act in ways that work against the plan
3) it bets on the second wave being larger and that the health system can then handle this one then
4) current comparative evidence of the effects of quarentine etc in differential European cities show it works.
TLDR; to discount the current known working one should need a higher burden of evidence than what has been shown to support the UK position. At least IMO