COVID-19 could affect more races this year.

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


20,000 a year in the U.S. from seasonal flu
10,000 from Covid so far world wide.
Both hardest on the old and compromised.
To achieve anything, you must be prepared to dabble on the boundary of disaster.”
Sir Stirling Moss

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


strad wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 22:40
20,000 a year in the U.S. from seasonal flu
10,000 from Covid so far world wide.
Both hardest on the old and compromised.
another ignorant argument .... now i slowly see why some ppl say why the humanity will annihilate itself .... keep it going guys

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


It's not another flu.

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


Capharol wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 22:18
Just_a_fan wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 22:00
Capharol wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 21:54

are you just that dumb?
No. I'm not dumb, thanks. If you insult people you do not do your argument any favours.

You are in a minority group so you need to deal with things differently. But locking down the whole country won't help in your situation. The reason is obvious.
it seems you don't understand WHY we all go into lockdown.... i would suggest read more about Covid and then come back with a better argument
And you don't understand that a lock down will not stop people dying.

How long should we lock down for? A couple of weeks? A couple of months? Do you even know? And if it's for several months, will it be effective for that long? Can any country even effectively lock down for several weeks or months?

And after the lock down, how many will become infected in the immediate period?
If you are more fortunate than others, build a larger table not a taller fence.

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


aral wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 22:23
"For us a potential 1.8% mortality rate means 162,000 deaths. Most probably still within this year."

That is a rather alarmist point of view ! The mortality rate is based on the number of people who actually contract coronavirus and not on the total population !
Exactly. The death rate is amongst a small number of the population that have been proved to have the virus. Lots of people will get it and never be tested/proved to be infected. Many will get it and only have minor symptoms. The eventual death rate won't be in the millions as some would like to have us believe.
If you are more fortunate than others, build a larger table not a taller fence.

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


Just_a_fan wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 23:08
Capharol wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 22:18
Just_a_fan wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 22:00

No. I'm not dumb, thanks. If you insult people you do not do your argument any favours.

You are in a minority group so you need to deal with things differently. But locking down the whole country won't help in your situation. The reason is obvious.
it seems you don't understand WHY we all go into lockdown.... i would suggest read more about Covid and then come back with a better argument
And you don't understand that a lock down will not stop people dying.

How long should we lock down for? A couple of weeks? A couple of months? Do you even know? And if it's for several months, will it be effective for that long? Can any country even effectively lock down for several weeks or months?

And after the lock down, how many will become infected in the immediate period?
why do i F**cking debat with you if you can't even see the purpose of a lockdown ...... holy sh*t how ignorant you have to be that you can't understand that the lockdown is to give the hospitals (doctors, etc.) a fighting chance of helping EVERYBODY instead of making decision like in Italy where doctors have to decide WHO they help so he can survive, but therefor another person has to die (457 deads in 1 day) ..... this is just unbelievable, i rectify my early statement that you are dumb.....

on this matter you're unfortunatly more then that.

on 1 thing we agree tho, it won't take as much lives as some governments (Dutch) likes to make us believe

and by the way the person rated my previous post negativ because of rudeness..... maybe that is the only way ppl starting to listen, by threating them rude because otherwise they like to do what they do anyway... not listing and being selfish

Joined: 31 Jan 2010, 20:37

Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


Capharol wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 23:25

why do i F**cking debat with you if you can't even see the purpose of a lockdown ......
You're not debating. You swearing and insulting. Goodbye.

However, I wish good luck to your wife. I hope she gets through it all safely.
If you are more fortunate than others, build a larger table not a taller fence.

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


I suggest anyone not clear on why certain preventative measures are being taken read this: ... 3-2020.pdf

To summarise, the lockdown is to try to ensure the peak number of cases does not exceed the capacity of the healthcare system, and that's it. It's not a cure to COVID-19, things won't magically be fixed after an extended lockdown, just delayed. Without a vaccine, the lockdowns will have to continue, potentially for a couple of years.

To counter the whole "people die from flu argument", left uncontained 2.2 million people could die from COVID-19 in the US in the space of ~4 months. There's no evidence to suggest there is a long-lasting immunity after contracting the virus and recovering from COVID-19, it's very possible this becomes a seasonal virus, more deadly than any "common" virus we've seen before.

It's interesting to see the true colors of the people with the super-high "reputation" in this community.

On a positive note, F1 teams in the UK are using their manufacturing capabilities to produce more ventilators to help raise the red line shown in that report.
Last edited by i70q7m7ghw on 19 Mar 2020, 23:43, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


People keep saying that more people died from flu in a YEAR!

They haven't realized yet that a year with the coronavirus hasn't even gone by! With all these measures and already 10.000 have died in just 3 months...imagine without these measures!

Btw 2021 regulations postponed to 2022...another chance for Hamilton and Mercedes to take it to 8 World Championships! =D> :lol:
"The only rule is there are no rules" - Aristotle Onassis

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


Just_a_fan wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 23:32
Capharol wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 23:25

why do i F**cking debat with you if you can't even see the purpose of a lockdown ......
You're not debating. You swearing and insulting. Goodbye.

However, I wish good luck to your wife. I hope she gets through it all safely.
i am swearing because i see ppl everyday doing the same stupid things, that helps spreading the virus... and you are one of these ignorrant persons that not seems to understand what the precautions are doing ....

yes it doesn't stop the virus
yes it doesn't stop ppl from dying anyway
but it helps hospitals and doctors and nurses to give everbody a fighting chance to not die because they can't help the ppl because the are overloaded with Covid-patient so other covid patients or ppl with severe health issues have to die because the IC is full.....

and as long as ppl still think they aren't at risk, they are selfish because these ppl can be carrier and infect other ppl, and these other ppl infect ppl like my wife or a italian friend of mine that has died because there wasn't any room at the hospital for him .....

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


@Capharol Throwing around names and calling people ignorant will not convince anyone. :evil:
To achieve anything, you must be prepared to dabble on the boundary of disaster.”
Sir Stirling Moss

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Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


This graph is a simple way to represent why extreme social distancing measures are necessary.

The red line represents surge critical care bed capacity.


Without the social distancing measures, the healthcare system will be completely overwhelmed.

My fiancee is an ER nurse. I'm terrified for her on a daily basis. Since she is staying at work to help people survive, I ask that everyone else do their part and stay at home.

Joined: 04 Nov 2018, 17:06

Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


strad wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 23:45
@Capharol Throwing around names and calling people ignorant will not convince anyone. :evil:
I call ppl exactly what they are in my opinion

Joined: 20 Feb 2014, 10:08

Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


aral wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 22:23
"For us a potential 1.8% mortality rate means 162,000 deaths. Most probably still within this year."

That is a rather alarmist point of view ! The mortality rate is based on the number of people who actually contract coronavirus and not on the total population !
Yes, good point.
So we are down to 1.8% of the people at most risk.

How many people are this, aral?
Would you be able to tell me this for even one country?

As this is meant to be a rethorical question ... I am very confident, you cannot.
Because I wager, you do not know for which parameters and interdependencies you would need to look for between the virus and the one individual you may want to treat.
This you cannot. Nobody can. Not even for the widely known flu.

What I mean, nobody knows how large the actual risk group actually is. Because it varies. Widely.
What we currently do is basing the risk group on statistics done by others incl China.

Having said all the above, I requote to the maximum death toll then.
But considering I am off by 90%, and for all means and purposes I will be, even 16,200 deaths represent almost 3x times the annual deaths in my country for the annual flu strain. ... influenza/#

Thus, anyone who really considers measures adopted by various countries incl Austria for an unknown and unresearched strain are too extreme, please also consider what happens ... if your assumption is simply wrong.

I usually err on the side of caution.
This helps living longer, and healthier.

Joined: 03 Feb 2015, 08:57

Re: COVID-19 could affect more races this year.


Diesel wrote:
19 Mar 2020, 23:36
It's interesting to see the true colors of the people with the super-high "reputation" in this community.

On a positive note, F1 teams in the UK are using their manufacturing capabilities to produce more ventilators to help raise the red line shown in that report.
Well, reputation is more to do with the value of their comments to the relevant thread. Most of the threads here are technical in nature, not medical nor political. In addition, reputation should only be given/taken on relevance and value to the topic, not on how it makes you feel.

Source on the F1 teams actually manufacturing medical equipment?