nzjrs wrote: β31 Mar 2020, 20:57
etusch wrote: β31 Mar 2020, 19:25
What if there were not so much news on tv about viruses which keeps people concentrated on this ? If you ask me, everyone doing it wrong. Because of economic needs of every company and every people , in some point neither governments nor people will want to keep going to live like this, because it is not susteinable, and they will decide to return normal life and I think as soon as this happens, everything will be as normal as before.
It's inevitable that governments will start the "how many lives is our economy worth" vs "how many lives lost when no one can work" utilitarian politicking very soon. We should all hope those arguments are made with good data in hand and not had too soon.
In fact current situation is their guilt. They allow so much news on media which frightened people. so they went hospitals when they feel fever which is not a bad thing in reality (it is just a way that human body fight with toxics in the body) or moved from infected area. If those were not happened maybe there were not going to be so many infection.
For example, in Turkey, deaths were declared more than 200 by now. (1 month period. ) In same period I am sure, much more people dead than that because of other reasons. Death is a part of life.
If there were not so much frightened people , hospitals may be concentrated more on real medical help needs