Lewis understands, unlike you, that passing is 90% about positioning, While you may think he is "sending a flyer" down the inside, you can see that he is totally in control of his car, by the mere fact that he does not hit the other car, and that he leaves them ample racing room(a great majority of the time). Even in Japan last year he did not hit KIMi, although he destroyed his tire trying to avoid the contact.
The entire point of positioning yourself on the inside for an outbraking maneuver, is to place yourself where your opposition has no other choice but to slow down and cede the position
Only you can't exactly say you are in control when your brakes are completely locked. So, we have Japan 2008 at the very least. Then we have Hamilton practically running Glock and Webber off the road in Monza in '08, Spa '08 he was locked up going into bus stop. He may not have hit anyone (severely at least) but he has made plenty of over the top aggressive moves.
I love how you accuse other people of wicked anti-Hamilton bias and then go and and pick a fight while heaping praise on another driver...
I think we all need to put our emotions aside and look more at the subjective facts.