I am introducing to you all an innovation of the Halo.
The Halo as we know it has lived up to its promise. several serious injuries and fatalities have been avoided ever since it's introduction in 2018. But one of the major issues with the Halo is that it blocks a portion of the driver's view of the track - specifically down the centre. The off-set Halos are set to lessen this problem.
For clock-wise tracks, or tracks with more time critical right turns as opposed to left turns, the engineers will fit the car with a "Right hand" Halo.
For anti-clock-wise tracks, or tracks with more time critical left turns as opposed to right turns, the engineers will fit the car with a "Left hand" Halo.
The tracks that have are equal in time critical left and right turns the normal Halo will be used.
How are these offset Halo's constructed? It's quite simple really, The front pillar is positioned slightly to the left, or slightly to the right, so that the view of the left turns, or right turns is sacrificed to make the view down the centre of the track better.
This has engineering implications of course, these two new Halo's will have to go through the safety testing process all over again.
What do you guys think of this idea?