Massa fastest

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Fresh from his first ever Formula One podium last weekend, Felipe Massa (Ferrari) shows he by no means intends to leave his tally at just one visit, as he set the quickest lap in this morning’s practice session.

The Brazilian’s time of 1:15.796 was set on a damp but drying track under the blistering Spanish sun, eclipsing his team-mate Michael Schumacher by a third of a second. Third fastest was Alex Wurz for Williams, with Robert Kubica fourth for BMW. Anthony Davidson and Robert Doornbos were next up, followed by Neel Jani and Giorgio Mondini in the Midland. The Super Aguri of Sato was ninth.

And if that sounds like a rather simple report of this morning’s events, that’s because not a great deal happened. Only those ten drivers set a laptime, with all others chosing to wait and bide their time as the track dried out from this morning’s rain showers.

Fernando and Giancarlo were classified 26th and 27th with the pair running just two installation laps each.

With no further rain forecast for this afternoon, the fans should finally get to see some real action on the track, as Ferrari aim to maintain their momentum against a field of determined and competitive rivals.

Source Renaultf1