We haven't finished yet - Shorrock

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Michelin’s F1 programme director, Nick Shorrock, was delighted to score the manufacturer’s 100th victory thanks to Renault's Fernando Alonso. It was already the 6th victory of Alonso this season and the 7th of Renault. Here follows the interview with Nick Shorrock.

Nick, Michelin took its 100th F1 win today. What does that mean to you?

"This is an important win for the group, especially after Edouard Michelin’s death which affected all 130,000 employees. This 100th victory is a tribute to him."

How do you achieve 100 GP victories?

"Simply producing good tyres isn’t enough. To that, you need to add a good level of service that allows the teams to use their potential. Without it, the tyres would be useless. Our tyres have undergone constant development since the start of the season and we try to respond to the demands of each track. Every Grand Prix is a new challenge – and although we are happy to have hit number 100 today, we also want to see more wins soon!"

It’s also a good reward for all the members of the F1 programme…

"Exactly. Whether they are working at Clermont Ferrand or going to the races, I think Michelin’s employees given an unparalleled level of service. That’s one of our main strengths."

Source Renaultf1