Everything is still possible - Schumi

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Damage limitation: these were the words used most often yesterday in the Ferrari paddock after the race in Montreal. The weekend did not seem too promising from the start but the fact that Michael managed to finish second, after starting from fifth, is more than could be expected.

"We managed to limit the damage to the minimum", declared the Scuderia Ferrari Marlboro driver. "I lost only two points to Fernando and so, overall, we can be content. Beginning the second half of the season 25 points down is not ideal but, then again, neither is it a hopeless situation. In any case, we will not give up. Our strategy for the upcoming races has to be to attack and this is what we will do. Everything is possible". The seven-time world champion is, however, satisfied with how the season has turned out so far. "People have forgotten the level we were at last year. We were quite far back. The fact that this has been forgotten so quickly should be taken as a compliment on our part. I can only repeat that this is the fruit of all the hard work the team has put in. The guys have been fantastic and have not let last year's difficulties get them down. Instead, they are even more motivated than ever".

"And now we are again going for the title; this is why I am happy! What could be better? Ok, we could be winning more races than we have until now and this is exactly what we will be trying to do. I want to race even better between now and the end of the season".

Michael will enjoy a few days of freedom before taking part in the FIA press conference, timed for 11.00 on Thursday at Indianapolis. The next few days will be spent with the friends that accompanied him to Montreal and that will be with him in the United States. He will also be reflecting on the Montreal race. "In the end I was lucky to finish second. The safety car coming on was a help. On the other hand though, our performances improved as the weekend went on. So, we will have to wait and see what happens in Indianapolis. There are too many factors that could influence the result and which cannot be predicted beforehand. Montreal was a case where things did not turn out as expected and so all that I can promise is that we will do our best and not give up the fight".

Source Ferrari