First day at Jerez for Renault

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This week’s Jerez test marks the final opportunity for the teams to test prior to the summer testing ban. In light of this, 15 cars were in action in southern Spain, with the Renault F1 Team represented by Heikki Kovalainen and Jose Maria Lopez.

Both drivers completed busy programmes. Heikki focused on tyre testing throughout the day, both for longer-term development and also work for the upcoming Hockenheim race. Jose Maria ran for much of the day in low downforce configuration in preparation for the race in Monza, and also conducted general R&D work.

Chief Test Engineer Christian Silk commented: “We had a normal, productive day of testing to open our week in Jerez. Heikki ran through a pretty intensive tyre programme and found some good solutions to take forward, both for Hockenheim and for general development. Jose didn’t have an easy task today, running in low downforce configuration to put miles on the car. With a less than optimum set-up for this circuit, he kept the car on track and completed a useful R&D programme. There were no major issues on either car, and we completed over 200 laps in total – an encouraging mileage for the opening day of a test.”
